Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Sales Assessment Templates >

Sales Assessment Templates

A sales assessment template (or assessment script) is a series of questions that helps Oracle CRM On Demand users to collect customer data. A sales assessment template can be used to qualify leads, assess opportunities, guide customer service interactions, survey customer satisfaction, capture activity information, and so on. For more information, see the topics describing assessment scripts in the Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Table 30 describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with sales assessment templates. For more information about running these commands, see Migrating Sales Assessment Templates.

Table 30. Commands Used with Sales Assessment Templates in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Read SalesAssessmentTemplate AssessmentType

This command exports sales assessment template configuration data of the type specified by AssessmentType, for example, activity assessment templates, from Oracle CRM On Demand.

ReadAll SalesAssessmentTemplate

This command exports all sales assessment template configuration data in the Oracle CRM On Demand tenant.

Upsert SalesAssessmentTemplate MySalesAssessmentScriptXML

This command updates or inserts sales assessment template configuration data in the Oracle CRM On Demand tenant.

NOTE:  Nonadministrative Oracle CRM On Demand users can run the Read and ReadAll commands.

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