Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Custom Web Link Fields >

Elements and Sections in the Custom Web Links XML Output File

Table 21 describes the elements and sections in the custom Web links XML output file.

Table 21. Elements and Sections in the Custom Web Links XML File
Element or Section


<ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

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The <ListOfWebLinks> section contains details of the custom Web links.

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The <WebLink> section contains details of one custom Web link.

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<Name> contains the system name of the custom Web link.

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<IntegrationTag> contains the custom language-independent integration tag for the custom Web link.

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<DisplayText> contains the display text that appears in the custom Web link field.

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  <data:WebLinkTarget>Open in Custom Tab
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<WebLinkTarget> specifies the behavior when a user clicks the link. This element can have the following values:

  • Open in Current window. If this value is specified, then in the UI, the linked page opens in the current window.
  • Open in New window. If this value is specified, then in the UI, the linked page opens in a new window.
  • Open in Custom Tab. If this value is specified, then in the UI, the linked page opens in a custom tab.

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<TargetCustomWebTab> specifies the custom Web tab, if Open in Custom Tab is specified in <WebLinkTarget>.

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<RefreshParentWindow> specifies whether the parent window is refreshed after the user closes the new window in which the linked page opened (true). This element is applicable only if Open in New window is specified in <WebLinKTarget>.

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<DisplayOptions> specifies the type of page in which the custom Web link can be displayed. This element can have the following values:

  • D. Detail pages only.
  • E. Edit pages only.
  • B. Both detail pages and edit pages.

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<ActiveLinkCondition> specifies the condition that controls whether the link is active on the detail and edit pages.

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<DisplayLinkCondition> specifies the condition that controls whether the link is displayed on the detail and edit pages.

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<URL> specifies the URL that is invoked when the user clicks the custom Web link.

NOTE:  Although it is possible to update or insert a custom Web link that contains a URL for a report or dashboard, this functionality is not fully supported, and the URL might not work after an upgrade.

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The <ListOfWebLinkTranslations> section contains the translation values for the custom Web link.

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      <data:DisplayText>Click here
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The <WebLinkTranslation> section contains the translation values for one language:

  • <DisplayName> contains the display name for the Web link field in the language identified by the language code.
  • <DisplayText> contains the display text for the Web link field in the language identified by the language code.
  • <LangCode> contains the three-letter code for a language. For the list of language codes, see Language Codes and Their Corresponding Language and Country.

NOTE:  The Type field in the Edit Web Link page in the User Interface is not supported in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

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