Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Dynamic Page Layouts >

Elements and Sections in the Dynamic Page Layout XML Output File

Table 47 describes the elements and sections in the dynamic page layout XML output file.

Table 47. Elements and Sections in the Dynamic Page Layout XML File
Element or Section


<ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

<data:DrivingPicklist>Sales Type

<DrivingPicklist> contains the name of the dynamic page layout driving picklist. For more information about driving picklists, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

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The <ListOfDynamicLayouts> section contains the details of the dynamic page layouts for the object.

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The <DynamicLayout> section contains the details of one dynamic page layout.

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<Name> contains the name of the dynamic page layout.

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    <data:DefaultLayout>Opportunity Page Standard Layout</data:DefaultLayout>
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<DefaultLayout> contains the name of the default page layout with which the driving picklist values are associated.

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<ModifiedBy> contains the name of the user who last updated the dynamic page layout.

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    <data:Description>Dynamic Layout Description
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<Description> contains the description of the dynamic page layout.

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        <data:Value>New Business
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The <ListofPicklistValueMapping> section contains the mappings of the driving picklist values to the page layouts:

  • <Value> contains the driving picklist value.
  • <AssignedLayout> contains the name of the page layout that is displayed when the driving picklist value is selected.

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