Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Workflow Rules and Action Sets >

Elements and Sections in the Workflow Rules Output File

Table 57 describes the elements and sections in the workflow rules XML file.

Table 57. Elements and Sections in the Workflow Rules XML File
Element or Section


<TriggerEvent> specifies the trigger event code that triggers the workflow.


(Optional.) <ParentRecordType> specifies the system name of the parent record type. It is specified if the trigger event is Associate or Dissociate. See Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help or the Workflow UI for the valid combination of RecordType, TriggerEvent, and ParentRecordType.

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The <WorkflowRule> section contains the elements for one workflow rule.

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  <data:WorkflowName>Opportunity Rule
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<WorkflowName> specifies the name of the workflow rule. This field has a maximum of 50 characters.

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<Active> specifies whether the rule is active (true) or inactive (false).

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<Exit> specifies whether Oracle CRM On Demand exits the sequence of workflow rules after this rule is executed (true), or does not exit the sequence of workflow rules after this rule is executed (false).

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  <data:WorkflowRuleCondition>[{Primary Revenue Win Probability}]>=LookupValue("PROB", "90")
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<WorkflowRuleCondition> is a valid expression, as defined in the Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help, that defines a rule for performing workflow actions. This field has a maximum of 2048 characters. In this example, the condition specifies that the actions are performed if the Probability % field on the new opportunity is set to 90 or higher.

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<CancelSave> specifies whether the Cancel Save processing is performed (true) if the condition on the workflow rule is not met, or is not performed (false). The Workflow Cancel Save privilege is required to upsert a workflow rule set that contains the <CancelSave> element.

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<Order> is the order number for the workflow rule. It determines the order in which Oracle CRM On Demand invokes a sequence of workflow rules that are based on the same record type and the same trigger event, and if applicable, on the same parent record type.

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<DisplayMessage> specifies the message that is returned to the user or Web service if the condition on the rule is not met, and <CancelSave> is set to true for the rule. This field has a maximum of 1999 characters.

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  <data:Description>Workflow Rule for new opportunities with probability at 90% or higher

<Description> contains additional information about the workflow rule.

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The <ListOfWorkflowTranslations> section contains the translation values for the workflow Cancel Save message.

    <data:DisplayMessageTranslation>This Record can not be updated, since workflow Cancel Save (Acc_WF_2 ) is in Active status.
    <data:DisplayMessageTranslation>This Record can not be updated.
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The <WorkflowTranslation> section contains the translation values of the workflow Cancel Save message for one language:

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