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Product Indication Fields

Use the Product Indication Edit page to add a product indication or update details for an existing product indication. The Product Indication Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a product indication.

TIP: You can also edit product indications on the Product Indication List page and the Product Indication Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides information regarding some of the product indication fields.



Indication Name

The name of the product indication record. Some examples are Allergy, Asthma, Arrhythmia, Heart Failure, and so on. The maximum length is 50 characters. (Required)

Product Indication Name

Read Only. A concatenation of the Product Name and the Indication Name. For example, Asthma – Drug A or Allergy – Drug A, assuming that Drug A is used to treat both asthma and allergies. This field must be unique in your company.


The product name at the brand level. The brand is defined on the Product record when the product's Type field is set to Detail, for example, Drug A. Choose the product name, using the Lookup icon. The Product Indication records are sorted by Product Name. This field is required by default.

NOTE: The product must be a valid product for the Product Category field.


Additional details to describe the indication. The maximum length is 255 characters.

Product: Product Category

Read Only. The product category of the selected product brand. The company administrator defines the product category, for example, Antihypertensive, Antianxiety, Asthma, Marketing Promotional Items, and so on.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.