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Updating Record Details

Generally, you can update record information if you own the record, you manage the owner of the record, or the owner grants you editing access to the record. However, your company administrator can adjust access levels to restrict or expand your access to records.

Also, to change the status of a solution record, or to publish a solution, your user role must include the Publish Solutions privilege.

NOTE: Certain system fields are always read only and can be updated only by Oracle CRM On Demand. Some examples of fields that are always read only are the Created field and the Created: Date field, both of which are available on many record types.

You can update records in the following ways:

  • By editing fields inline on the List and Detail pages.

    Your company administrator can enable or disable inline editing in the company profile. By default, inline editing is enabled.

    TIP: In most List pages, you can open a record Detail page in a record pane in the List page without navigating away from the List page. For more information, see About the Record Pane in List Pages and Using the Record Pane in List Pages.

    NOTE: Sometimes, when you edit a field inline, you might be prompted to navigate to the Edit page to complete the edit. This prompt is displayed if you must edit more fields, or if a business process is attached to the field that you were editing inline.

  • By updating the record in the Edit page.

    You can reach the Edit page by clicking the Edit link for a record in the List page, or clicking the Edit button for a record in the Detail page.

  • By importing records:
    • Using the Import Assistant to import record data from external comma-separated value (CSV) files if your user role has the Personal Import privilege
    • Using the Oracle Data Loader On Demand client utility
    • Using Web services to synchronize records with other applications

      The type of records that you can import depends on the privileges assigned to your user role. For more information on how to import records from external CSV files and other external sources, see Import and Export Tools.

You can also edit fields in linked records on the Detail page of the main record (if inline editing is enabled). For more information on updating fields in linked records, see Updating Linked Records from Main Records.

NOTE: You cannot use the inline edit functionality while a preview window is open, or while you are using the message center.

The following procedure describes how to update fields inline on list pages, related information sections, and record detail pages. To allow you to update fields inline, inline editing must be enabled.

To update fields inline

  1. On the record full List page, or record Detail page, move the pointer over the field that you want to update

    An edit icon appears on the right-hand side of the field. A different icon appears depending on the type of field. On a Detail page, if a field is read-only, when you rest the mouse on the field, no information is displayed. Nothing happens when you click the field. On a Full List page, if a field is read-only, when you pause the pointer on the field, information is displayed. Also, a read-only Inline Editor is displayed when you click the read-only field.

  2. Click the edit icon or click the field to enable the Edit mode for Inline Edit.

    For some of the fields, clicking the fields is different from clicking the edit icon. If you click a Phone field, for example, the field displays a Text editor and allows you to enter the phone number directly. If you click the edit icon, it displays a Phone editor and allows the user to specify the Country, Area Code, Phone Number and Extension separately.

  3. Update the value of the field.
  4. Click the green check mark icon or press Enter to save the changes.

    To cancel changes, click the red X icon, or press Esc.

The following procedure describes how to update record details in an Edit page.

To update record details in an Edit page

  1. On the record List page, click the Edit link for the record, or from the Detail page click the Edit button in the title bar.
  2. On the record Edit page, update the necessary information.
  3. Save the record:
    • To save this record and then open the record Detail page (where you can link information to this record), click Save.
    • To save this record and then open the Edit page (where you can create another record), click Save & New.

NOTE: Your administrator can configure a field so that it is conditionally required, that is, the field is not required by default, but becomes required if the data in other fields on the record meets certain criteria. When this happens, a red asterisk (*) displays beside the field that is now a required field, and if the text label is displayed for the field, it is displayed in red text. If the field is blank, then you must update it before you save the record. For information about some limitations that apply when editing conditionally required fields, see About Conditionally Required Fields.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.