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About Concatenated Fields

A concatenated field is a field that can display the values from multiple fields and can also display additional text. Your administrator can set up concatenated fields for most record types. For example, your administrator might set up a concatenated field called Profile on the Contact record type to show the value of the Job Title field and the Age field in the following format:

Job Title, aged Age

Your administrator can then add the field to the Detail page layout for the Contact record type. If a contact's job title is Manager and the contact is aged 41, then the Profile concatenated field for the contact shows the following:

Manager, aged 41

If you have the necessary permission to edit the fields that appear within a concatenated field, then you can edit the fields through the concatenated field. In the example described earlier, you can change the job title of the contact by editing the concatenated field, but you cannot change the age of the contact. The age of the contact is calculated from the date of birth on the contact's record, and the Age field is not an editable field.

The concatenated fields can appear on record Detail pages and Edit pages, on List pages, and in related information sections. However, you cannot use the concatenated fields as search fields or as filter fields for lists. Depending on how your user role is set up, you might be able to use the fields within the concatenated fields as search fields and as filter fields for lists.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

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