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Creating Records

You can create a record from different areas within the application. The area you choose depends on whether you want to:

  • Create the record in a popup window that is independent of the records you are working on. You will not lose your place in the main area of the application.
  • Create the record from clicking the New button on the Homepage, List, or Detail page. Each of these pages opens the same form as the other methods, but it shifts the focus from your current page to the Edit page. You will need to use the Back link to return to the page you were working on.
  • Create the record for a different record type that is automatically linked to the record you are currently working on.

You can also create new records in the following ways:

  • By importing records:
    • Using the Import Assistant to import records from external, comma-separated value (CSV) files if your user role has the Personal Import privilege
    • Using the Oracle Data Loader On Demand client utility
    • Using Web services to synchronize records with other applications

      The type of records you can import depends on the privileges assigned to your user role. For more information on how to import records from external CSV files and other external sources, see Import and Export Tools.

  • By converting lead records. Based on the options that you select on the Convert Lead page, you can create one or more of the following by converting a lead record:
  • By converting deal registration records. Based on the options that you select on the Convert Deal Registration page, you can create one or more of the following by converting a deal registration record:

TIP:  To prevent record duplication, search for the record before creating a new one, see Finding Records.

NOTE: An asterisk (*) beside a field name indicates that this is a required field. Also, if a custom layout is assigned to your role for the new record page for the record type, then the page that opens when you create a record might include fewer fields than are available in the full page layout for the record type. If you want to enter information for additional fields, then you can open the full page by clicking the Advanced link in the new record page. The Advanced link is available in the new record page only if a custom layout is assigned to your role for the new record page for the record type. For more information about the field layout on new record pages, see About the Layouts of New Record Pages.

To create a record using the Create section

  1. In the Action bar, expand the Create section if necessary.
  2. Click the record type that you want to create.
  3. In the New record form, fill in the record information.
  4. Save the record, by clicking either Save or Save and Continue:
    • If you click Save, then Oracle CRM On Demand saves the new record and closes the new record form.
    • If you click Save and Continue, then Oracle CRM On Demand saves the new record and navigates you to the new record’s Detail page so that you can associate additional content to the record, for example, notes and attachments.

To create a record from the Homepage, List, or Detail page

  1. From any of these pages, click the New button in the title bar.
  2. On the Edit page, fill in the record information.
  3. Save the record.

To create a record that is linked to the selected record

  1. Select the record.

    For instructions on selecting a record, see Finding Records.

  2. On the record Detail page, scroll to the appropriate section.
  3. On the title bar for that section, click the New or Add button.
  4. On the Edit page, fill in the record information.
  5. Save the record.

Entering Information in Records

When you create records you can enter information directly into some fields, or select values from a drop-down list. In addition, for some fields you can click an icon to the right of the field to display a window from which you can select values or enter values. The icons that you can click are:

  • Phone icon. Allows you to enter the details of a telephone number.
  • Calendar icon. Allows you to select a date.
  • Currency icon. Allows you to search for, and select a currency.
  • Lookup icon (magnifying glass). Allows you to search for, and select a record, or multiple records, which will be associated with the record you are creating. The Lookup icon is also used for selecting values for multi-select picklist fields.

About Picklist Fields and Picklist Value Groups

In picklist fields, you can select a value from a predefined list of values. If your company uses picklist value groups, then your company can limit the values that are available in a picklist field to a subset of the values that are defined for the field in certain cases. For more information about picklist fields and picklist value groups, see About Picklist Fields, Picklist Value Groups, and Divisions.

About Multi-select Picklists

A multi-select picklist is a picklist from which you can select multiple values. When you click the Lookup icon for a multi-select picklist, a pop-up window appears, which allows you to select the required values by moving values from an Available list to a Selected list. You can move a value from one list to the other by double-clicking the value, or by selecting the value and using the left and right arrows to move it. You can also sort the values in the Selected list.

Multi-select picklists are supported for the following record types:

  • Account
  • Activity
  • Contact
  • Custom Object 01
  • Custom Object 02
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Partner
  • Service Request

About Phone Number Fields

Phone fields have a phone icon next to them. Clicking the icon opens the phone editor, where you can do the following:

  • Select the country of the phone number.
  • Enter the city or area code.
  • Enter the local number.
  • Enter an extension number if one exists.

When you save the phone number, Oracle CRM On Demand prefixes the phone number that you entered with both of the following:

  • A plus symbol (+) to represent the international access code for dialing out of the country where you are located.

    For example, if the Locale setting on your user record is English - United States, the plus symbol represents the 011 international access code. If the Locale setting on your user record is French - France, the plus symbol represents the 00 international access code.

  • The country calling code for the country that you selected for the phone number.

    For example, if you select Spain as the country for the phone number, Oracle CRM On Demand prefixes the phone number with 34, in addition to the plus symbol.

TIP: If you want to determine the country calling code for a country, you can click the phone icon, select the country, and save the information. The country code for the country is displayed in the Phone field.

The list of countries in the phone editor includes some dependencies, foreign territories, and regions of sovereign states. For example, the Isle of Man is a British crown dependency, and Aland Islands is a region of Finland. A dependency, foreign territory, or region can have the same country code as its sovereign state. In such cases, when you edit a phone number with that country code, the Country field in the phone editor shows the name of the sovereign state, even if the dependency, foreign territory, or region of the sovereign state was chosen when the number was originally entered.

For example, you might select Aland Islands in the Country field in the phone editor when you first enter a phone number. Oracle CRM On Demand automatically prefixes that phone number with 358, in addition to the plus symbol. If you click the phone icon later to edit the phone number, then Finland appears in the Country field in the phone editor.

About Conditionally Required Fields

Your administrator can configure a field so that it is conditionally required, that is, the field is not required by default, but becomes required if the data in other fields on the record meets certain criteria. When this happens, a red asterisk (*) displays beside the field that is now a required field, and if the text label is displayed for the field, it is displayed in red text. If the field is blank, then you must update it before you save the record.

For information about some limitations that apply when editing conditionally required fields, see About Conditionally Required Fields.

About the Automatic Conversion of Text to Links

If the text string that you enter in a field of the Text (Short) or Text (Long) field type starts with http:// or https://, then the text might be automatically converted to a link after the field value is saved. The Convert URL Text Values to Links check box on the company profile determines the behavior of such text in these fields, as follows:

  • If the check box on the company profile is selected, then the text is automatically converted to a link after the field value is saved.
  • If the check box is not selected, then the text is not converted to a link.

About Address Fields

For addresses, the application displays different fields to accommodate country-specific information. For example, if you select Japan as the Country for an account’s billing address, the other address fields change to those fields needed for Japanese addresses, such as Chome, Ku, and Shi/Gun.

In general, addresses are stored with the specific record type. However, some addresses are carried over when you link one record with another. For example, if you enter a billing and shipping address for an account, the billing address appears on the Contact Detail page when you link the account to the contact.

If your company administrator has added the Addresses section to your application, you can track additional addresses for such records as accounts and contacts. When tracking addresses for contacts, the primary address is always the one you entered in the Alternate address section.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.