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Important Considerations for Customers Using Customized Code in Oracle CRM On Demand

The following important considerations apply to the use of customized code in Oracle CRM On Demand:

  • Customers using customized code, such as JavaScript code, in Oracle CRM On Demand do so at their own risk. Oracle does not provide support or troubleshoot for any problems that arise as a result of the use of customized code in Oracle CRM On Demand, including for any modifications that are made to Oracle CRM On Demand through the customized code.
  • Customers using customized code, such as JavaScript code, in Oracle CRM On Demand are strongly encouraged to test their code after any upgrade to a new release of Oracle CRM On Demand. It is the customer’s responsibility to update their customized code after upgrading to a new release. In addition, new releases of Oracle CRM On Demand may contain updated infrastructure components and it is the customer’s responsibility to modify any customized code, as necessary, to adapt to any changes in infrastructure components.
  • Customers can invoke Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services API methods through customized code. However, Oracle only provides guidance on the use of Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services APIs, Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services session management, and best practices for using Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services. For more information regarding Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.
  • Customers can invoke Oracle CRM On Demand public JavaScript API methods through code in custom HTML head additions. For more information, see Managing Custom HTML Head Additions and Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer’s Guide.

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