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Showing Results in Funnel Charts

Use the Funnel Chart view to show results as a three-dimensional chart that represents target and actual values and levels by color. Typically, funnel charts are used to graphically represent data related to stages in a process, such as the amount of potential revenue shown for each sales stage.

Funnel charts are well suited for showing actual compared to targets for data where the target is known to decrease (or increase) significantly per stage, such as a sales pipeline. You can click on one of the colored areas to drill down to more detailed information.

In funnel charts, the thresholds indicate a percentage of the target value, and colors provide visual information for each stage:

  • All stages for which the actual value falls below the minimum threshold are colored in red.
  • All stages for which the actual value falls below the maximum threshold are colored in yellow.
  • All stages for which the actual value is greater than the maximum threshold are colored in green

To add or modify a Funnel Chart view

  1. In the Create Layout page, perform one of the following actions:
    • To add a new funnel chart view, click Add View, select Advanced, and then select Funnel Chart.
    • To edit an existing funnel chart view, click the Edit View button for the funnel chart view.

      The workspace shows the options and settings for the funnel chart view.

  2. Make your selections for the fields in the workspace.

    The following table describes the fields.

    Funnel Chart View Workspace Field


    Chart Title

    Specifies the title to display at the top of the chart.


    Identifies the stage to represent, from the drop-down list. These values are shown on the horizontal axis.

    Actual Value

    Specifies the actual value for the stage, a column selected from the drop-down list.

    Target Value

    Specifies the target value for the stage, a column selected from the drop-down list.

    Target value for final stage only

    Indicates whether the target value should appear for each stage or for the final stage only.

    Factor required to meet target

    Identifies the factors required to meet targets.

    Minimum Threshold

    Specifies the minimum threshold. Values below this percentage will appear in red. Values between this percentage and the Maximum Threshold will appear in yellow.

    Maximum Threshold

    Specifies the maximum threshold. Values above this percentage will appear in green.


    Specifies the size.

    Force standard shape and equal stage widths

    Indicates whether Oracle CRM On Demand automatically forces a standard shape and equal-stage widths in the chart.


    Indicates the level of interaction allowed in the chart. Choices include None, Drill, and Navigate.

  3. Select the Display Results check box to preview the funnel chart view.
  4. Click OK to return to the Layout Views page.
  5. To move or edit the funnel chart view (and other views, as required) on the page, do the following:
    • To move the view to a different location on the page, drag the view, and drop it in the new location.
    • To format the appearance of the funnel chart view, click the Format View button for the view.

      You can specify Cell, Border, Background, and Additional Formatting Options (Width, Height, Indent, Right Padding, Top Padding, Bottom Padding).

    • To edit the funnel chart view, click the Edit View button for the view.
    • To delete the funnel chart view, click the Delete View button for the view.
  6. When you finish making your changes, save the report.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.