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Deleting Pending Instances from the Workflow Wait Monitor

You can delete pending instances from the Workflow Wait Monitor one at a time. You can also delete multiple pending instances at the same time, by creating a filtered list of the instances and using the batch delete facility. For information about what is recorded and displayed on the Workflow Wait Monitor, see Workflow Wait Monitor and Workflow Pending Instance Fields.

NOTE: When you delete a pending instance of a Wait action from the Workflow Wait Monitor, the workflow rule instance is ended, and none of the remaining actions on the workflow rule are performed. After you delete a pending instance of a Wait action, you cannot restore it.

Before you begin: To use the workflow monitors, your user role must have the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules privilege.

The following procedure describes how to delete a pending instance from the Workflow Wait Monitor.

To delete a pending instance from the Workflow Wait Monitor

  1. On the Pending Instances List page, find the instance that you want to delete.

    TIP: For information about filtering lists, see Filtering Lists.

  2. Click the Delete link for the instance.

The following procedure describes how to delete a list of pending instances from the Workflow Wait Monitor.

To delete a list of pending instances from the Workflow Wait Monitor

  1. If you have not already done so, create the list of instances that you want to delete.

    For more information about creating and refining lists, see Creating and Refining Lists.

  2. On the Pending Instances List page, click Menu, and select Batch Delete.
  3. Click OK to confirm that you want to proceed.
  4. On the Batch Delete and Restore Queue page, in the Active Requests section, click Proceed.

    NOTE: If you do not click Proceed, then the records are not deleted.

    TIP: You can return to the Batch Delete and Restore Queue page at any time by clicking the Admin global link, and then clicking Batch Delete and Restore Queue on the Admin Homepage.

  5. To review the log file for the delete operation, on the Batch Delete and Restore Queue page, in the Processed Requests section, click View Delete Log.

For more information about using the Workflow Wait Monitor, see the following topics:

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information about workflow rules:

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.