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Unpacking Empirica Signal files into the installation directory

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Move the <INSTALL_DIR>/Signal directory to <INSTALL_DIR>/Signal_8_1 as backup. For example:

    mv /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal_8_1

  2. Make a new <INSTALL_DIR>/Signal directory. For example:

    mkdir /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal

  3. In a command shell, navigate to the directory containing and unpack its contents into the <INSTALL_DIR>/Signal directory. For example:

    $ unzip -d /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal

  4. Provide the non-privileged account execute permission on the MGPS subdirectory. For example:

    $ chmod u+x /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal/WEB-INF/classes/MGPS

    Note: If you don’t use Empirica Topics, skip to the next section.

  5. Move the <INSTALL_DIR>/TopicsService directory to <INSTALL_DIR>/TopicsService_8_1 as backup. For example:

    mv /u01/stage/Signal_Install/TopicsService /u01/stage/Signal_Install/TopicsService_8_1

  6. Make a new <INSTALL_DIR>/TopicsService directory. For example:

    mkdir /u01/stage/Signal_Install/TopicsService

  7. Navigate to the directory containing and unpack its contents into the <INSTALL_DIR>/TopicsService directory. For example:

    $ unzip -d /u01/stage/Signal_Install/TopicsService

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