1 Introduction

System Overview

Oracle DIVAnet provides a unified view of archived digital assets across multiple, distributed DIVArchive systems and DIVAcloud. It facilitates the moving of content back and forth among DIVArchive sites, and from customer Source/Destination servers and disks. It performs its tasks for the purposes of disaster recovery, content distribution, access control, performance, and content availability.

By connecting to multiple DIVArchive sites, DIVAnet creates a virtual archive system that spans geographical locations. You can leverage disaster recovery sites to provide additional asset availability when outages occur, and improve archive and restore performance for some assets when systems run normally. You can use DIVA installations from other parts of your organization as strategic backup sites, content sharing partners, and participants in global business media workflows. DIVAnet eases the burden of keeping track of content that could exist in local DIVA sites, remote DIVA sites, and the cloud.

Applications that use the DIVArchive API can use it to connect directly to DIVAnet. This allows applications to store and access digital assets in different geographical locations. DIVAnet synchronizes asset information from each DIVA site, so that it always has an up-to-date asset inventory. DIVAnet uses this information to enforce naming uniqueness, and to select the best site for various requests (for example Restore and Copy requests). DIVAnet also provides access rules to limit the operations that users are allowed to perform.

API Support

DIVAnet allows applications written using the DIVA API to control multiple DIVArchive sites as if the sites were one large archive system. The DIVArchive API allows client applications to connect to an archive system and store content, copy content, delete content, or restore content (see the Oracle DIVArchive C++ API Programmer's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive Additional Features Documentation library for more on the DIVArchive API). The API also supports retrieving of information about archived objects. DIVAnet implements support for a large subset of the DIVA API - that which is commonly used by popular applications such as Media Asset Management (MAM) applications.

For more information, see Chapter 7.

User Interface (DIVAnetUI)

DIVAnetUI is an application that allows the user to monitor DIVAnet requests, and view, copy, restore, and delete DIVAnet Assets (DIVA archived objects) across multiple DIVArchive sites. All DIVAnet level requests can be monitored, whether issued through the API or through the UI itself. You can also view asset information for all configured DIVArchive sites, whether the asset was archived through DIVAnet or not. DIVAnetUI provides flexible ways of querying both request information and asset information.

DIVAnet 2.2 does not support the DIVArchive Control GUI (even in Direct Mode) - use the DIVAnetUI to monitor DIVAnet, and the DIVArchive Control GUI to monitor DIVArchive.

For more information, see Chapter 5.

Command Line Interface (DIVAnetAdmin)

The DIVAnetAdmin command-line tool can perform various DIVAnet administrative functions including:

  • Monitoring the status of database synchronization

  • Setting site-specific parameters and limits

  • Viewing API connections

  • Reloading the workflow profiles and access rules

  • Changing the log level of DIVAnet services.

For more information, see Chapter 6.

Access Rules

DIVAnet allows rules to be created that govern which users and which Workflow Profiles are permitted to perform certain operations. For instance, you can create rules that limit which Source/Destinations can receive restored content, or limit which objects can be copied to sites.

For more information, see Chapter 4.

Other DIVArchive Components

Some intersite transfer tasks are not specifically performed by DIVAnet. The Drop Folder Monitor (DFM) service monitors content that is being written to disk in a folder. It then archives that content into a DIVArchive system after the content has been completely transferred. DFM can be used as part of an intersite copy workflow, and can also be used with DIVAnet. See the Oracle DIVArchive Drop Folder Monitor (DFM) User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive Additional Features Documentation library for more information on DFM.

You can configure Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM) to automatically perform an operation when content arrives at a DIVArchive site. One of these operations is to restore the new content to a drop folder, which can in turn archive that content into another DIVA system. This allows a kind of replication of the content. See the Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM) User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive Additional Features Documentation library for more information on SPM.

Finally, DIVArchive itself provides the ability to transfer content from Source/Destinations to DIVA systems and back again, and copy and delete archived content.

DIVArchive, SPM, DFM, and DIVAnet work in unison to satisfy distributed media workflows.