Customizing Oracle Communications Data Model Sample Reports

Sample reports and dashboards are delivered with Oracle Communications Data Model. These sample reports illustrate the analytic capabilities provided with Oracle Communications Data Model-- including the OLAP and data mining capabilities.

The sample reports were developed using Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Extended Edition which is a comprehensive suite of business intelligence products that delivers a full range of analysis and reporting capabilities. Thus, the reports also illustrate the ease with which you can use Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Extended Edition Answers and Dashboard presentation tools to create useful reports.

You can use Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Extended Edition Answers and Dashboard presentation tools to customize the predefined sample dashboard reports:

  • Oracle BI Answers. Provides end user ad hoc capabilities in a pure Web architecture. Users interact with a logical view of the information -- completely hidden from data structure complexity while simultaneously preventing runaway queries. Users can easily create charts, pivot tables, reports, and visually appealing dashboards.

  • Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards. Provide any knowledge worker with intuitive, interactive access to information. The end user can be working with live reports, prompts, charts, tables, pivot tables, graphics, and tickers. The user has full capability for drilling, navigating, modifying, and interacting with these results.