Post-Installation Tasks

Specifies the steps to perform after the installation.

After you run Oracle Universal Installer perform the following post-installation steps:

  • After you install Oracle Communications Data Model, obtain the IP Patch. To obtain the IP Patch for the latest information about Oracle Communications Data Model, patch sets, go to My Oracle Support at

  • Review the Security chapter in the Oracle Communication Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide.

Unlocking the OCDM_SYS Account

Describes how to unlock the OCDM_SYS account and set a password on this account.

Unlocking the OCDM_SYS Account

At the end of the installation, the OCDM_SYS account is locked. To unlock this account:

  1. Connect to the database with a DBA ID.


    The password is case sensitive.

  2. Unlock the account and set the password by issuing the following SQL statement:
    alter user ocdm_sys account unlock identified by password;


    Enter a password for the OCDM_SYS account that is secure, according to the password guidelines described in Oracle Database 2 Day DBA. Do not to use OCDM_SYS as a password.

Related Topics

Postinstallation for Sample Reports

If you installed the sample reports, you need to also perform several postinstallation steps.

If you installed the Oracle Communications Data Model sample reports, then perform the following steps:.

Unlocking the OCDM_SAMPLE Account

Describes how to unlock the OCDM_SAMPLE account.

Unlocking the OCDM_SAMPLE Account

At the end of the installation of the Oracle Communications Data Model sample reports, the OCDM_SAMPLE account is locked. To unlock this account:

  1. Connect to the Database with a DBA ID.


    The password is case sensitive.

  2. Unlock the account and set the password by issuing the following SQL statement:
    alter user ocdm_sample account unlock identified by <password>;


    Enter a password for the OCDM_SAMPLE account that is secure, according to the password guidelines described in Oracle Database 2 Day DBA. Do not to use OCDM_SAMPLE as a password.

Related Topics

Limiting User Privileges for Sample Reports

By default, when you perform a Sample Reports type of Oracle Communications Data Model installation, the sample reports connect to ocdm_sys schema directly. For security reasons, you may want to grant only select privileges to users who work with these reports.

Limiting User Privileges

To grant only select privileges, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a dedicated reporting user (for example, OCDM_Report).
  2. Grant select privilege for all Oracle Communications Data Model tables required for reporting to the user you created in Step 1. Thus, grant the select privilege for all Oracle Communications Data Model tables which start with one of the following prefixes: DWA, DWB, DWD, DWR, DWL.
  3. Create a view (or synonym) in OCDM_Report schema, pointing to the OCDM_SYS tables.
  4. In the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Extended Edition repository, change the connection information to point to the new schema.

Installing RPD and Web Catalog for Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Extended Edition

Describes installing the RPD file and deploying the Web Catalog.

If you installed the Oracle Communications Data Model sample reports, you need to deploy the Oracle Communications Data Model RPD and Web Catalog on the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Extended Edition 12c instance. For more information on deploying RPD and Web Catalog in BIEE, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

After you use the installer to install the sample reports, you can find the RPD file and the Web Catalog file in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/report directory:


Unzip the Web Catalog

Before you deploy the Web Catalog, you need to unzip

Update the RPD Connection Pool

Do the following to update the RPD connection pool:

  1. Open Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tools and select File->Open->Offline...,

    Browse to locate $ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/report/ocdm.rpd

  2. Double click Connection Pool in ODWT at the Physical layer.

  3. Update the Host, Port, Service and User name to point to Oracle Communications Data Model schema.


    In addition, follow steps 2 and 3 to update the connection pool in OCDM_OLAP at the Physical layer.

  4. Click OK to exit and then click Save.

  5. Test the connection pool to check that it is successfully configured. Right click a table, such as DWA_ACCT_DEBT_MO in the ODWT.OCDM_SYS. Select, Update Row Count. If no errors are reported then the connection pool is successfully configured.

Deploy the RPD and Web Catalog

Perform the following steps to deploy the Oracle Communications Data Model RPD and Web Catalog:

  1. Use your browser to open the weblogic Enterprise Manager portal:

    Log in with the weblogic admin ID and password.

    From the Business Intelligence tab select coreapplication, then select Deployment and click Repository. Next deploy the RPD and Web Catalog.


    When you deploy the RPD you need to provide an RPD password. Contact Oracle Support to obtain a temporary RPD password.

  2. Use your browser to open the weblogic console portal:

    Log in with your weblogic admin ID and password. Go to your security realm and create a user named ocdm and set a password for this user.

  3. Follow the instructions to "Refreshing User GUIDs" to update the GUIDs. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Configuring the Working OLAP Environment

To set up a working OLAP environment for an Oracle Communications Data Model warehouse, configure the database with the specified parameter and configuration settings.

Configuring the Working OLAP Environment

  • Set sga_target to 35% of available memory.

  • Set pga_aggregate_target to 35% of available memory

  • Set olap_page_pool_size=0. (This specifies dynamic page pool.)

  • Set _olap_page_pool_hi=30 (that is, lower than default of 50).

  • Set _olap_parallel_update_threshold and _olap_parallel_update_small_threshold to a high value (for example, ~2Gb.. 2147483647). These settings turn off parallel update for the analytic workspace.

  • Set memory_max_target to value greater than SGA and PGA settings. This is maximum amount of memory used for both SGA and PGA. The SGA and PGA settings specified are the minimum settings. (Note that failure to set memory_max_target leads to failure of instance startup (the next time these settings are validated which occurs if spfile had an older and distinct setting for memory_max_target).

The following statements illustrate changing these settings:

alter system set sga_target=1365M scope=spfile;
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=1365M scope=spfile;
alter system set memory_max_target=3030M scope=spfile;
alter system set olap_page_pool_size=0 scope=spfile;
alter system set "_olap_parallel_update_small_threshold"=2147483647 scope=spfile;
alter system set "_olap_page_pool_hi"=30 scope=spfile;
alter system set job_queue_processes=5 scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate;

Running OLAP Builds to Load Data into Analytical Workspace

Perform these steps to load data into the Oracle Communications Data Model OLAP Analytical Workspace (depending on your hardware and configuration, the total expected time to complete these steps may be up to one hour).

The Oracle Communications Data Model Sample Reports installation loads an empty Analytical Workspace named OCDM into the sample schema ocdm_sample. You must load the sample schema data into the empty OLAP Analytical Workspace before you can run the reports or view data in the sample reports.


The Non-OLAP sample reports such as the data mining related sample reports and relational sample reports work without performing these OLAP Analytic Workspace steps.

  1. Login to ocdm_sample schema through SQL*Plus or SQL Developer.
  2. Run the procedure

    This load typically completes in 30-35 minutes (usually in less than one hour).

  3. After the load completes, check the log table dwc_olap_activity.
    SQL> select cubename,load_status,error_dtl from dwc_olap_activity order by cubename;  
    The result should be similar to the following:
  4. The Oracle Communications Data Model OLAP Analytical Workspace is now successfully loaded with the data in the underlying schema.

Re-Enabling Oracle Database Vault

Describes the process of re-enabling Oracle Database Vault if before installing you disabled Oracle Database Vault, and then you want to re-enable Oracle Database Vault.

Re-Enabling Oracle Database Vault

If you are using Oracle Database Vault and disabled this option before installation then re-enable Oracle Database Vault by taking the following steps:

  1. Shutdown the Database, Database Control console process, and listener. For example on UNIX, ensure that the environment variables, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH are correctly set. Log in to SQL*Plus as user SYS with the SYSOPER privilege and shut down the database. Then from the command line, stop the Database Control console process and listener. For example:
    sqlplus sys as sysoper
    Enter password: password
    $ emctl stop dbconsole
    $ lsnrctl stop listener_name

    For Oracle RAC installations, shut down each database instance as follows:

    $ srvctl stop database -d db_name


    In Oracle Database 12c, Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express is built into the Oracle database. It requires no special installation or management.

  2. Enable Oracle Database Vault:
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
    make -f dv_on
    make -f ioracle
  3. Startup the Database, Database Control console process, and listener. For example, on UNIX, Log in to SQL*Plus as user SYS with the SYSOPER privilege and restart the instance. Then from the command line, restart the Database Control console process and listener. For example:
    sqlplus sys as sysoper
    Enter password: password
    $ emctl start dbconsole
    $ lsnrctl start listener_name

    For Oracle RAC installations, restart each instance as follows:

    $ srvctl start database -d db_name
  4. For Oracle RAC installations, repeat these steps for each node on which the database is installed.

Ensuring That Oracle Communications Data Model Objects Are Valid

Describes recompiling all objects in ocdm_sys schema.

Recompiling Objects in OCDM_SYS

To ensure that all Oracle Communications Data Model objects are valid, log in to the database with a DBA id and password and recompile all objects in OCDM_SYS by issuing the following SQL statements:

exec utl_recomp.recomp_serial('OCDM_SYS');

Configuring Oracle Data Miner Repository

If you want to use Oracle Data Miner with Oracle Communications Data Model to perform data mining, verify that the Oracle Data Miner Repository is available in the database instance and configure Oracle Communications Data Model for Oracle Data Miner.

  1. Check that Oracle Data Miner Repository is installed in the database instance by running the following command as a user with SYSDBA privileges:

    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN username = 'ODMRSYS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS schema_cnt FROM dba_users;
  2. If schema_cnt is 0 after this command, then Oracle Data Miner Repository is not in the database. Install Oracle Data Miner Repository using SQL Developer Version or higher. When you unzip the downloaded SQL Developer, it creates the sqldeveloper directory. After installation the Oracle Data Miner scripts and the readme files are in the directorysqldeveloper\datminer\scripts.

    SQL Developer is available at the site:

  3. If schema_cnt is 1, then Oracle Data Miner Repository exists in the database. The minimum version required is To verify the version of Oracle Data Miner Repository, run the following command as a user with SYSDBA privileges:

    SELECT property_str_value AS version
    FROM odmrsys.odmr_repository_properties
    WHERE property_name= 'VERSION';
  4. If the version is equal to or higher, then requirements fulfilled.

  5. If version is lower than, upgrade the existing Oracle Data Miner Repository to or higher. Upgrade Oracle Data Miner Repository using SQL Developer version ( When you unzip the downloaded SQL Developer, it creates sqldeveloper directory. You can find Data Miner scripts and readme under sqldeveloper\dataminer\scripts directory

  1. After the or a higher version of Oracle Data Miner Repository is installed, grant privileges on Oracle Data Miner Repository to Oracle Communications Data Model schema (OCDM_SYS). Replace sqldeveloper_home with the absolute path of SQL Developer home and then execute following command as a user with SYSDBA privileges:
    @<sqldeveloper_home>/sqldeveloper/dataminer/scripts/usergrants.sql OCDM_SYS
  2. Grant following privileges to OCDM_SYS schema:
           CREATE TABLE,
           CREATE VIEW,
           CREATE TYPE,
           CREATE SYNONYM,
           CREATE ANY INDEX,
           CREATE JOB,
           CREATE RULE,
           CREATE RULE SET,
           TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.dbms_random TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT EXECUTE ON ctx_ddl TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT EXECUTE ON ctxsys.ctx_ddl TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT CTXAPP TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.dbms_lock TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT EXECUTE ON odmrsys.odmr_workflow TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_messages TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_project_workflow TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_workflow_all TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_workflow_log TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_workflow_nodes TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_workflow_models TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_wf_clas_test_results TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_wf_regr_test_results TO ocdm_sys;
       GRANT SELECT ON odmrsys.odmr_user_wf_test_results TO ocdm_sys;
  3. Create a database directory pointing to Oracle Data Miner workflow xml files. Replace <$ORACLE_HOME> with the absolute path of your database home and then execute the following command as a user with SYSDBA privileges:
    CREATE DIRECTORY ocdm_odm_workflow_dir AS '<$ORACLE_HOME>/ocdm/pdm/mining/src/odmr_gui_files/odmr_workflow_xml';
  4. Grant read, write privileges on database directory ocdm_odm_workflow_dir to Oracle Communications Data Model schema (OCDM_SYS). Execute the following command as a user with SYSDBA privileges:
    GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY ocdm_odm_workflow_dir TO ocdm_sys;
  5. Create Oracle Data Miner utility package for Oracle Communications Data Model mining:
    1. Replace <$ORACLE_HOME with the absolute path of your database home.
    2. Execute the following command as OCDM_SYS user:
      conn ocdm_sys/<schema password>
      @<$ORACLE_HOME schema password> 
      @<$ORACLE_HOME >/ocdm/pdm/mining/src/odmr_gui_files/pkg_ocdm_mining_odmr_util.sql;
  6. Restart SQL Developer. Then, import Oracle Communications Data Model Oracle Data Miner workflows into OCDM_SYS schema. Replace <$ORACLE_HOME> with the absolute path of your database home and then execute following command as OCDM_SYS user:
    conn ocdm_sys/<schema password>@<$ORACLE_HOME>/ocdm/pdm/mining/src/odmr_gui_files/ocdm_import_odm_workflow.sql;
  7. In SQL Developer, open Oracle Data Miner connections, add a connection to OCDM_SYS schema. Open the connection to see the Oracle Data Miner project (for OCDM Data Mining_12.1.0.1) and check the following six workflows:
    • prepaid_churn_dt_and_svm

    • postpaid_churn_dt_and_svm

    • customer_segmentation_kmeans

    • customer_ltv_srvl_val_glmr

    • customer_sentiment_svm

    • target_promotion_svm

Check the status of the workflows execution.

Ensuring That PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is Set to the Proper Value

To improve performance ensure that the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set to the proper value.

The value specified for PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET depends on the physical RAM of your Database Server.


Ensure that the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter is set to AUTO.


Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to a nonzero value has the effect of automatically setting the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter to AUTO.

See Also:

For information on tuning the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter, see Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide