Installing Using a Silent Installation

Describes running the installer using silent installation.

A silent installation has no graphical output and no input by the user. It is accomplished by supplying Oracle Universal Installer with a response file and specifying the -silent flag on the command line. Use silent installation when you want the same installation parameter on more than one computer.

Selecting a Response File

Before performing a silent installation, you must provide information specific to your installation in a response file.

Selecting a Response File

The installer fails if you attempt an installation using a response file that is not configured correctly. Response files are text files that you can create or edit in a text editor. The response file (adm.rsp) is located in the /response directory in the directory that contains the Oracle Communications Data Model installation files. Edit the response file according to your requirements for silent installation. To use a response file, first copy it to your system.


You must install Oracle Communications Data Model on the "localhost" where the database server is located. You can determine the value of your "localhost" by issuing the following command where db-name is the name of your Oracle Database:

tnsname db-name

Editing the Response File

Use any text editor to edit the silent install response file to include information specific to your system.

Editing the Response File

You must specify values for variables in your response file. Each variable listed in the response file is associated with a comment, which identifies the variable type. For example:

string = "Sample Value" 
Boolean = True or False 
Number = 1000
StringList = {"StringValue 1", "String Value 2"}

For a silent installation, specify values for the strings with <Value Required>. Remove the comment from the variable values in the response file before starting the Oracle Communications Data Model installation.

Specifying a Response File and Starting the Installation

To make Oracle Universal Installer use the response file at installation time, specify the location of the response file as a parameter when starting Oracle Universal Installer.

Specifying a Response File and Starting the Installation

Before you specify a response file, ensure that all values in the response file are correct. To perform a silent installation, use the -silent parameter as follows:

 ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile absolute_path_and_filename


During installation, response files may be copied to subdirectories in the Oracle home. If you have provided passwords or other sensitive information in your response files, then for security purposes you should delete them after completing and verifying the installation.

Silent Installation Log Files

The success or failure of silent installations is logged in the installActions.log file.

Silent Installation Log Files

The silent installation creates the silentInstall.log file. The log files are created in the /oraInventory/logs directory. The silentInstallDate_Time.log file contains the following line if the installation was successful:

The installation of Oracle Communications Data Model was successful.

The corresponding installActionsDate_Time.log file contains specific information regarding installation.

Security Tips for Silent Installations

The response file contains the installation password in clear text. To minimize security issues, follow these guidelines for the silent installation.

  • Set the permissions on the response files so that they are readable only by the operating system user performing the silent installation.

  • If possible, remove the response files from the system after the silent installation is completed.

Error Handling

Describes silent installation error handling.

  • Variables that are outside any section are ignored.

  • Values for variables that are of the wrong context, format, or type are treated as null.

  • If you attempt a silent installation with an incorrect or incomplete response file, or if Oracle Universal Installer encounters an error, such as insufficient disk space, then the installation fails.