Activity Status and Settings

The Activity Status shows the status of the email. It shows if the email has been sent or not.

Table 13-1 Activity Status for Emails

Activity Status Description
Request Pending

Shows the number of pending requests

Last Started On

Shows the time on which the interface was last started

Received email

Shows the number of email which are received

Sent email

Shows the number of email which are sent

Next Transfer In

Shows the time for the next email transfer


On the Settingsscreen, right-click and select Add. Fill in the following details and click Ok to save the settings:

Table 13-2 Settings for Emails

Settings Description
HELO Server

Server Name or the Internet protocol (IP) Address.

Mail Server (SMTP)

Server Name or the Internet protocol (IP) Address.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Port.

Email Address

Email address of the user.


Provide the email address or username of the user.


Password assigned with the email address or username.


Time delay provided.


Status of the settings provided.


Server Name or the Internet protocol (IP) Address. Server Type should also be mentioned, For example: POP3, IMAP, POP3 SSL, IMAP SSL.


Port used.