Internal Data Mapping - System Source

The SYSTEM table contains three logical source fields and lets you force the insertion of specific values into any of the target tables and fields that you choose.

Logical source field TARGET_DEFAULT_VALUE

This enables you to insert any value of your choice as a default value into the target field. For example:

  1. Insert the default value E into the target table ADDRESS, field Address_type
  2. Insert the default value NA into the target table ACCOUNT and field Account_Grp
  3. Insert the default value A into the target table FLIGHTS and field Flight_Direction

Logical source field TARGET_UPDATE_KEY_FIELD

The data hammering process has the capacity to detect when a target records is in update mode, if the data is found then an update statement to the target record is delivered, in order for the application to perform such task, you must specify the combination of fields that can be used as a unique key to find the target record to be updated. For example: RESERVATION_RCDID for target table RESERVATION, SPECREQUEST_RCDID for target table SPECERQUEST.

Logical source field TARGET_STATUS_FIELD

When processing data, data hammering must use a target table field in order to insert the state flag as defined in the general setup, the name of that target field is different depending on the target table, this logical source field enables you to assign the appropriate target field where the application dynamically inserts the state flag. For example: Accounts_XfrStatus for target table ACCOUNT, Reservaton_XfrStatus field for target table RESERVATION, etc.