Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting

  • Where is the Security Server installed?

    The Security Server is installed on the IIS Machine.

  • Who uses the Security Server?

    An IT manager or administrator at the client site or support personnel use the Security Server.

  • What is the purpose of the Security Server?

    The Security Server is used to host sensitive information like FidelioBK password and KEK key.

  • What logs are available for the Security Server?

    The Activity Log displays information when a client connects and grabs the FidelioBK password and KEK key. It is stored in the installation directory (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FMSSecurityServer\bin\Log).

    The Exception Log is stored under the inetpub folder (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FMSSecurityServer\bin\Error).

    The Trace Log is used when the above logs are not helpful for troubleshooting. Tracing can be enabled in the server and client configuration files using the <system.diagnostics> section that generates a detailed trace file (called messages.svxlog) with information on errors messages and warnings. The trace log file can be viewed using the SvcTraceViewer.exe tool. Tracing needs to be disabled after the trace file is created; otherwise, it creates a huge file.