Configuring Sender

Select the Data Source

The Sender is the first component of the Fleet Management Transfer. After you select a file,
  1. From the drop-down, select the Data Source.

  2. In the user column, provide the database user to the corporate schema. Currently, the only user to be assigned at the FM Sender is FIDELIO.

  3. After providing the password, add additional database users. Click +, to add the users.

  4. Click Apply to save the settings and launch the FM Sender application.

The settings are saved in an XML file called ConfigSettings. The password is saved in 128 bit encrypted form. These Settings can always be modified by clicking on the Config Settings button under the Settings tab of the FM Sender.


If any settings are modified or new queue entries are added, the Interface must be restarted for these settings to take effect.

Activity Status

The Activity Status shows the activity status of Fleet Management Sender.

Table 8-1 Activity Status

Activity Status Description

The transfer tables are divided in various groups for ease of transfer settings. Each direction above shows different set of tables. The Settings of tables are explained later in the Settings tab.


The status of the direction group which is being transferred.

Last Transferred Date

The last date on which the data was transferred for that Direction Group.

Next Transfer At

The next scheduled date and time on which the next transfer would take place for that Direction Group.

Table 8-2 Columns of the Data Grid

Columns Description

Receiving end of the transferred data.

Direction Group

The direction group of data which is being transferred.


Ship number.


Table which is being transferred from the visible direction group.

Transferred On

Date along with time on which the table is transferred.


Each transfer table is divided into batches for transfer. The batch number getting transferred with respect to total number of batches shows up here.


Number of records transferred of the batch.


Any error/warning or remark of the batch being transferred is shown.


The other two tabs, MSMQ Monitor and Log reader of the Sender are used for debugging by the support team.


The settings tab shows direction groups, their transfer timings and MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing) level information. Direction groups can be added/edited and configured from here.

Table 8-3 Direction Groups

Name Description

All Fleet Management tables that need to be transferred once a day. Set to transfer at 5 AM daily.

Setup data

All tables that get frequently changed and /or impact business and need to be transferred more than once a day. Set to transfer every 3 hours.

Lob data

All tables with Blob/picture fields are transferred separately as they take more time to transfer. They are also set to transfer once a day. Set to transfer at 6 AM daily.


Contain the transfer setting related tables. These tables are used by support team for investigation problems. Set to transfer at 8 AM daily.

Config Settings

By clicking Config Settings at bottom left, shows the Config Settings screen. The General settings are thread level settings of the interface.
SMTP Configuration: The Sender can send out alerts in case of errors and in case of inactivity. This feature can be enabled by filling in the following SMTP details:

Table 8-4 SMTP Details

SMTP Details Description
Server IP Address

IP address of the email server.

Server Port

The default is 25, please change in case it is different for your mail system.

Email From

From identifier of email sender. For example, Rivera FM Sender.

Email To

Email address of the receiving group/person.

Attach Error File

Checking the Attach Error File would attach the error file to the email and the email would be sent to the defined email addresses.

Schema Info

Gives the information of the database schema sender is sending data from.