
This option is only available for the thick client. The web application status configuration along with the hardware setup can be set from this section.

System Parameters

System parameters are divided into Consolidation, General, Login parameters and messaging parameters. The system required parameters can be setup from here.

Business Entities

Location profile can be made from business entity section. Business entity is used to provide the important information to the system like the location where the visitor would go (ship or building).

Table 14-2 Business Entities

Business Entities Description
Company Name The name of the company that would be arranging the visit.
Company Type The location, weather it is ship or building.
Code Code of the location.
Name Name of the location.
Remarks Remarks given to the location.
Maximum visitors for this location Maximum numbers of visitors for the location.
Number of overrides visitor who have permission- Number of override visitor who are permitted.

Table 14-3 Number of override visitor with permission

Field Description
Approval cutoff period Number of days before the actual visit.
Generic card sequence Generic card sequence number from start to end.
Building Address Address of the Building to be visited.
Building Timings Timings of the building for which the visit would be assigned.
Require Prior Approval Check this button in order to assign the approval group.
Default Approval group Once the default approval group is assigned for a particular building then the system would automatically take those approval group as default approval groups, so there is no need to assign approval group again for that building.
Active Check Active when the location needs to be shown in the system otherwise un-check it in order to hide it.

Visitor Categories

Visitor categories is divided into two sub sections
  • Visitor Type

  • Approval Assignment

Visitor Type. Visitor Type consists of the following fields:

Table 14-4 Visitor Type Fields

Fields Description
Name Name of the Crew Type.
System Account The system account can be selected from the drop-down menu bar.
Category Select the category of the crew from the drop-down menu.
Priority Priority of the crew in comparison with other crew type.
Approval Required Select approval if required and no approval if the approval is not required.
Require Letter If a letter is required then click on the check box button.
Allow Early Boarding If early boarding is required then click on enables early boarding check box button or else leave it unchecked.
Permanent Visitor If the crew is permanent visitor then click on it.
Visitor Board Card Report Template Select the visitor board card report template according to the crew visitor.
Privileges Privileges assigned to the crew.
Crew Type When crew type is checked then link crew prior to the visitor type is enabled.
Click Save in the options bar to save the changes.

Approval Assignment

Approval Assignment tab on this screen is used for setting the Approval group for a visitor type, it enables hierarchies to be assigned for approval. The threshold period is a time period that has been assigned for submission of approval or rejection of visit status. The email is sent to Selection 1 first with in a group and the limited time period is assigned for the status. For example, for approval or rejection by the person. The threshold is the time period that is given for making the decision in days and hours. After the threshold period is expired for selection 1 the email is sent to the selection 2 within the group. This process is repeated till all the selections and the groups have been covered.

If all the selection in the 1st group approve a visit then only the email would go to the selections of the 2nd group otherwise the email would not be sent to the second group. If there are two group levels, group 1 approve a visit and group 2 also approve a visit then only the visit is approved. In the same scenario, if the group 1 approve a visit and group 2 reject a visit then the visit would be in conflict.

Visitor Privileges

The privileges assigned to the visitor can be defined here, with the code and comment regarding the privileges. On the right side column, visitor privileges can be added by selecting the check-box button.

Approval Groups

The privileges would be assigned to a particular approval group. Only one approval group can be selected at a time from the drop-down menu. Select the user privileges that should be given to a particular group by clicking the check box button, multiple privileges can also be selected for an approval group. Approval groups can be setup in FM, it can be assigned to group. All approval groups setup in FM come under unassigned.

Document Setup

Document setup is used for setting up corporate management related documents that are required as a prerequisite for a visit. Select the Category, click on the file path logo adjacent to the file path after the input box. The system would prompt for assigning the path for the document file. The document can be uploaded into the system by clicking the upload button. System would show the file name and file path after clicking the open button.

Hardware Setup

Scanner Assuretec, DeskoPenta can be configured with Corporate Access Module so that the information regarding the visitor can directly be scanned and entered into the system. Web cam and printer can also be configured with the system. Web cam is used to take the images of the visitor. Evolis Primacy printer can be used to print the cards.