Setting Classifications Types

This topic enables you to setup and assign Fleet Management System financial groups and classifications.
  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click General Utilities.
  2. Select Classification Setup, Setup, Classification Type.


    Classification Types are predefined.

Classification Assignment

The Main and Sub department can be assigned to its respective Classification/Group by drag and drop.

  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click General Utilities.
  2. Select Classification Setup, Assignment, Main Dept. Group or Sub Dept. Group.
    1. Select a ship. You can view the ship if the default radio button Ship view is selected.
    2. Expand + next to UNCLASSIFIED.
    3. Drag the departments from UNCLASSIFIED to the required department classification.
      You can select multiple departments by selecting the Shift key.
  3. Click Update All Postings.
    After classifying all departments, all financial posting records (POS table) are stamped with the Classification ID and the Classification description.

Assigning Main and Sub Department

  1. On the Fleet Management screen, select Reporting and Utilities menu, and click General Utilities.
  2. From General Utilities, Setup, Classification , select Main Dept. Group or Sub Dept. Group.
  3. Right-click to add and Group (Main or Sub) or Classification(Main or Sub).


    The Classification should be linked with its higher lever Group under the Depend Type field.