Oracle® R Enterpriseユーザーズ・ガイド

次へ キーを使用した順序付け




ore.exec関数は、Oracle DatabaseスキーマでSQL文を実行します。この関数は、戻り値を持たないデータベース定義言語(DDL)文を対象としています。


例2-13 キーを使用した順序付け

# Prepare the data.
s <- spam
# Create a column that has integer values.
s$TS <- 1001:(1000 + nrow(s))
# Create a column that has integer values with each number repeated twice.
s$USERID <- rep(351:400, each=2, len=nrow(s))
# Ensure that the database tables do not exist.
# Create database tables.
ore.create(s[,c(59:60,1:28)], table="SPAM_PK")
ore.create(s[,c(59:60,1:28)], table="SPAM_NOPK")
# Using a SQL statement, alter the SPAM_PK table to add a composite primary key.
ore.exec("alter table SPAM_PK add constraint SPAM_PK primary key
# Synchronize the table to get the change to it.
ore.sync(table = "SPAM_PK")
# View the data in the tables.
# The row names of the ordered SPAM_PK are the primary key column values.
# The row names of the unordered SPAM_NOPK are sequential numbers.
# The first warning results from the inner accessing of SPAM_NOPK to subset
# the columns. The second warning is for the invocation of the head
# function on that subset.
# Verify that SPAM_NOPK is unordered.
R> # Prepare the data.
R> library(kernlab)
R> data(spam)
R> s <- spam
R> # Create a column that has integer values.
R> s$TS <- 1001:(1000 + nrow(s))
R> # Create a column that has integer values with each number repeated twice.
R> s$USERID <- rep(351:400, each=2, len=nrow(s))
R> # Ensure that the database tables do not exist.
R> ore.drop(table='SPAM_PK')
R> ore.drop(table='SPAM_NOPK')
R> # Create database tables.
R> ore.create(s[,c(59:60,1:28)], table="SPAM_PK")
R> ore.create(s[,c(59:60,1:28)], table="SPAM_NOPK")
R> # Using a SQL statement, alter the SPAM_PK table to add a composite primary key.
R> ore.exec("alter table SPAM_PK add constraint SPAM_PK primary key
+  (\"USERID\",\"TS\")")
R> # Synchronize the table to get the change to it.
R> ore.sync(table = "SPAM_PK")
R> # View the data in the tables.
R> # The row names of the ordered SPAM_PK are the primary key column values.
R> head(SPAM_PK[,1:8])
           TS USERID make address  all num3d  our over
1001|351 1001    351 0.00    0.64 0.64     0 0.32 0.00
1002|351 1002    351 0.21    0.28 0.50     0 0.14 0.28
1003|352 1003    352 0.06    0.00 0.71     0 1.23 0.19
1004|352 1004    352 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 0.63 0.00
1005|353 1005    353 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 0.63 0.00
1006|353 1006    353 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 1.85 0.00
R> # The row names of the unordered SPAM_NOPK are sequential numbers.
R> # The first warning results from the inner accessing of SPAM_NOPK to subset
R> # the columns. The second warning is for the invocation of the head
R> # function on that subset.
R> head(SPAM_NOPK[,1:8])
    TS USERID make address  all num3d  our over
1 1001    351 0.00    0.64 0.64     0 0.32 0.00
2 1002    351 0.21    0.28 0.50     0 0.14 0.28
3 1003    352 0.06    0.00 0.71     0 1.23 0.19
4 1004    352 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 0.63 0.00
5 1005    353 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 0.63 0.00
6 1006    353 0.00    0.00 0.00     0 1.85 0.00
Warning messages:
1: ORE object has no unique key - using random order 
2: ORE object has no unique key - using random order
R> # Verify that SPAM_NOPK is unordered.
R> is.null(row.names(SPAM_NOPK))
Error: ORE object has no unique key