
The <txResp> response returns the number or requests within the transaction, and a response message for each request.

If an error occurred performing one request, then all requests within the transaction, up to and including the failed request will automatically be rolled back. If all requests are successful, then all requests within the transaction are automatically committed.

Response Format

<txResp nbreq="nbreq" [id="id"]>
    <requestResp ...>
        <res error=...>


    <requestResp ...>
        <res error=...>

Response Parameters

<txResp> Parameters
Parameter Description Values
lengthinbytes Number of bytes following to form XML request. This is a 4 byte binary value. 0-4294967295
nbreq Number of requests within the transaction. The response will contain responses and optionally the requests themselves for each request. 0-50
id (Optional) Transaction ID value provided in request and passed back in the response. 1-4294967295
requestResp Contains 0-50 occurrences of the following XML request responses: <updateSubscriberResp>, <deleteSubscriberResp>, <readSubscriberResp>, <updateSubscriberNaiResp>, <deleteSubscriberNaiResp>, <readSubscriberNaiResp>  

Response Error Codes

Table 2 lists the common error codes for the Block Transaction response. See SDS Response Message Error Codes for a full list of error codes.
<txResp> Error Codes
Error Code Description
SUCCESS Database transaction was committed successfully.
ACTIVE_TXN A transaction is already open on this connection.
TXN_TOO_BIG Transaction too big (more than the configured maximum number of requests).
DB_EXCEPTION An unexpected exception was thrown during the database commit. The entire transaction was rolled back to ensure predictable behavior. Contact Oracle.
NOT_PROCESSED Not processed. The request was within a block transaction, and was not processed due to an error with another request within the same block transaction.
NV_REQ_IN_BLOCK_TX An invalid request has been sent in a block transaction (for example, <startTransaction>, <commit>, or <rollback>).