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Updated: July 2017

zonesbridge (3rad)


zonesbridge - global zone connectivity


interface IO
integer available(long token);

close(long token);

long openConsole(string zone);

long openRad(string zone,
string user);

opaque read(long token,
integer nbyte);

write(long token,
opaque buf);

interface Util
string[] getZones(ZoneState state);


ZONESBRIDGE(3rad)           RAD Module Definitions           ZONESBRIDGE(3rad)

       zonesbridge - API for non-global zone connectivity

   interface IO
       integer available(long token);

       close(long token);

       long openConsole(string zone);

       long openRad(string zone,
                    string user);

       opaque read(long token,
                   integer nbyte);

       write(long token,
             opaque buf);

   interface Util
       string[] getZones(ZoneState state);

       API com.oracle.solaris.rad.zonesbridge

       This API provides rad(1m) client connectivity to a non-global zone
       through its global zone.

       Two modes of connectivity are provided:

        1. access to the non-global zone's local RAD agent

           Using the openRad method, clients can connect to a local rad(1m)
           daemon running on a non-global zone, through an established,
           authenticated RAD connection to its global zone.

           This mode of connectivity is useful when a non-global zone:

           o   has no network connectivity, or

           o   has no dedicated management network interface, and chooses not
               to expose a remote rad(1m) daemon on its service network

        2. access to the non-global zone's console

           Using the openConsole method, RAD clients can access the consoles
           of non-global zones on the connected host.

   interface IO
       primary API for non-global zone connectivity

       The io interface provides connectivity to a zone. Handles to this type
       of object can be retrieved from the RAD server using an object name
       built with:

        1. the "com.oracle.solaris.rad.zonesbridge" domain name

        2. a key named "type" paired with a value of "IO"

       IO Methods
           integer available(long token)

               get the number of bytes available

               Gets the number of bytes available to be read, without
               blocking, on the connection identified by the given token.


               token -- the token identifying the open connection to query, as
               returned by openRad or openConsole


               integer -- a non-negative integer



           close(long token)

               close a rad connection

               Close a connection previously opened by openRad.


               token -- the token identifying the open connection to close, as
               returned by openRad or openConsole



           long openConsole(string zone)

               open a connection to the console of the given non-global zone

               openConsole can be used to connect to a non-global zone's

               Example 1. openConsole (Python)

                   import rad.client as radcli
                   import rad.connect as radcon
                   import rad.bindings.com.oracle.solaris.rad.zonesbridge as zbind

                   # Create a connection to the global zone
                   con = radcon.connect_unix()

                   # Get a native-looking python object that throws RAD exceptions
                   zio = con.get_object(zbind.IO())

                   # Open myzone's console
                   token = zio.openConsole("myzone")

                   # Monitor output on zone's console
                   while True:
                       input = zio.read(token, 1024)
                       if input is None:
                       print input,

               Unlike openRad, openConsole does not require a rad(1m) daemon
               to be running on the non-global zone.

               Connecting to a zone's console requires the
               solaris.zone.manage/zonename authorization.

               Note that a zone's console is an exclusive resource that
               prohibits multiple simultaneous connections.


               zone -- the non-global zone to connect to


               long -- a token used to read from and write to the console



           long openRad(string zone, string user)

               open a connection to the rad server on the given non-global

               openRad is rarely invoked directly. Instead, a connection is
               usually established through the RAD infrastructure:

               Example 2. openRad (Python)

                   import rad.connect as radcon

                   # Create a connection to the global zone
                   gcon = radcon.connect_unix()

                   # Create a connection to zone "myzone" as user "talley"
                   # (if user is None or not specified, connect as root)
                   zcon = radcon.connect_zone(gcon, "myzone", "garypen")

               Here, the radcon.connect_zone utility method plumbs the
               connection to the non-global zone using an established,
               authenticated connection to the global zone.  zcon is now
               authenticated as the given zone user and can be used to
               interact with the non-global zone's rad(1m) daemon.

               Note that, for simplicity of example, gcon is created via the
               standard unix domain socket, an automatically authenticated
               connection. Connections to remote hosts or through other
               transports must be authenticated beforeradcon.connect_zone is

               Connecting to a zone's rad(1m) daemon requires the
               solaris.zone.manage/zonename authorization.


               zone -- the non-global zone to connect to

               user (nullable) -- the user (local to the given zone) to
               connect as (root if not specified)


               long -- a token used to read from and write to the new



           opaque read(long token, integer nbyte)

               read data

               Read up to nbyte bytes from the connection identified by the
               given token. If nbyte is non-positive, no bytes are read and a
               zero-length array is returned. Otherwise, this method will
               block until at least one byte is read.


               token -- the token identifying the open connection to read
               from, as returned by openRad or openConsole

               nbyte -- a number identifying the maximum number of bytes to


               opaque (nullable) -- the read data, or null if the connection
               identified by the given token is open but the end of the data
               stream has been reached



           write(long token, opaque buf)

               write data

               Write the given bytes to the connection identified by the given
               token. If that connection is open but the end of the data
               stream has been reached, the written data is silently


               token -- the token identifying the open connection to write to,
               as returned by openRad or openConsole

               buf -- the data to write



   interface Util
       utility API for zone-related functionality

       The util interface provides utility methods related to zone
       connectivity. Handles to this type of object can be retrieved from the
       RAD server using an object name built with:

        1. the "com.oracle.solaris.rad.zonesbridge" domain name

        2. a key named "type" paired with a value of "Util"

       Util Methods
           string[] getZones(ZoneState state)

               get non-global zones in the given state

               Gets the names of the non-global zones in the given state.


               state -- the state of the returned zones




               (no type)

       enum ZonesBridgeErrorCode

           NONE (0)

           INVALID_TOKEN (1)

               if the given token is invalid or refers to a closed connection

           INVALID_ZONE (2)

               if the given zone is invalid


               if the given zone's platform is inappropriate for the requested
               platform-specific operation

           INVALID_ZONE_STATE (4)

               if the given zone's state is inappropriate for the requested

           COMMAND_FAILED (5)

               if a command to effect changes to or retrieve configuration
               from the system fails

       enum ZoneState

           CONFIGURED (0)

           INCOMPLETE (1)

           INSTALLED (2)

           READY (3)

           RUNNING (4)

           SHUTTING_DOWN (5)

           DOWN (6)

           MOUNTED (7)

       struct ZonesBridgeError


           ZonesBridgeErrorCode errorCode

       Version: (1.0)

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |  ATTRIBUTE TYPE    |     ATTRIBUTE VALUE     |
       |Availability        | system/management/rad/* |
       |Interface Stability | Private                 |


SunOS 5.11                        2017-05-31                 ZONESBRIDGE(3rad)