Troubleshooting the Barcode Scanner

Use the OPOS Validation Utility to ensure the Barcode Scanner is working correctly.
  1. For the Tablet 720 running Microsoft Windows 8.1, go to the Apps list on the Start Menu, and then tap OPOS Validation Utility.
    For the Tablet 720 and the Tablet 721/721P running Microsoft Windows 10, go to the Apps list on the Start Menu, tap Honeywell, and then tap OPOS Validation Utility.
  2. In the Scanner section, select Honeywell from the Device Name drop-down list.
  3. Tap the Begin Test button.
  4. Scan a barcode.
  5. If data is observed and collected, then the Barcode Scanner is working correctly.
  6. Tap the End Test button, and then exit the utility.