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Adding Business Objects to the Global Accounts Hierarchy View

Users often want additional business objects to appear in the hierarchy. The business objects, such as forecasts, revenues, and service requests, already exist. Administrators must configure these business objects for the hierarchy using Siebel Tools. Users then change their preferences to view the objects in their hierarchies.

This task is a step in Process of Using and Administering Global Accounts.

To add a new node to the hierarchy tree

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the List of Values view.
  2. Query for records in which the Type field is GLOBACC_USERPREF.
  3. Create a new record with the field values in the following table.



    Display Value

    The name of the object (for example, Forecasts or Revenues)

    Language Name

    The language of the object in the tree

    NOTE:  You can verify that you correctly added the new node by navigating to the User Preferences screen, then Global Accounts view. The new node must appear in the list of global account tree objects.

Configuring the Tree Node

Complete the following procedure to configure the tree node.

To configure the tree node

  1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to Business Component in the Object Explorer, select the business component for the node that you want to add to the tree, lock the project for that business component, and then copy and rename that business component.

    For example, copy the Service Request business component and rename the copied business component Global Account Service Request.

  2. Configure the join, field, and user properties records for the new business component by completing the following steps:
    1. Navigate to Business Component, then Join:
      • Add a join record with an Alias field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position and a Table field of S_ACCNT_POSTN. Select the Outer Join Flag for the new record.
      • Add a join record with an Alias field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization and a Table field of S_ORG_BU. Select the Outer Join Flag field the new record.
    2. Navigate to Business Component, then Field:
      • Add a field record with a Name field of Dynamic Hierarchy ID, a Join field of S_DYNHR_RPT_REL, and a Column field of DYN_HRCHY_ID.
      • Add a field record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position ID, a Join field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position, and a Column field of POSITION_ID.
      • Add a field record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization ID, a Join field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization, and a Column field of BU_ID.
    3. Navigate to Business Component, then Business Component User Prop:
      • Add a user property record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Hierarchy ID Field and a Value field of DynHierarchy Hierarchy ID.
      • Add a user property record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position ID Field and a Value field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position ID.
      • Add a user property record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization ID Field and a Value field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization ID.

        NOTE:  You can model the join, field, and user properties records of the new business component after comparable records in the Global Account Opportunity business component.

  3. Navigate to Link, select the Global Account/Opportunity link, lock the project for that link, and then copy and rename that link 3 times as follows:
    1. For the first copy, change the Name field to Global Account/name of the business component that you copied in Step 1, and select this business component name in the Child Business Component field.

      For example, change the Name field to Global Account/Service Request, and select Service Request in the Child Business Component field.

    2. For the second copy, change the Name field to Global Account/the name of the business component that you created in Step 1 (Hierarchy Denorm), and select this business component in the Child Business Component field.

      For example, change the Name field to Global Account/Global Account Service Request (Hierarch Denorm), and select Global Account Service Request in the Child Business Component field.

    3. For the third copy, change the Name field to Global Account/the name of the business component that you created in Step 1, and select this business component name in the Child Business Component field.

      For example, change the Name field to Global Account/Global Account Service Request, and select Global Account Service Request in the Child Business Component field.

  4. Navigate to Business Object, select the Global Account Hierarchy business object, navigate to Business Object, then Business Object Component:
    1. Add a business object component record with a Bus Comp field of the name of the business component that you copied in Step 1 and a Link field of the link that you created in Step 3 part a.

      For example, add a business component record with a Bus Comp field of Service Request and a Link field of Global Account/Service Request.

    2. Add a business object component record with a Bus Comp field of the name of the business component that you created in Step 1 and a Link field of the link that you created in Step 3 part b.

      For example, add a business component record with a Bus Comp field of Global Account Service Request and a Link field of Global Account/Global Account Service Request (Hierarchy Denorm).

  5. Create in UI objects, such as applets, views, and screen views, and then add those objects to the Siebel application.

    For more information, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

  6. Navigate to Applet, select the Global Accounts Hierarchy Tree Applet, navigate to Applet, Tree, and then Tree Node, select the Opportunity Node, and then copy and rename that node.

    For example, rename the copied node Service Requests Node.

  7. Configure the new node:
    1. In the Applet field, select the list applet for the name of the business component that you created in Step 1.
    2. In the Business Component field, select the name of the business component that you created in Step 1.
    3. In the Display Name field, change the display name for the node.

      NOTE:  The display name must be the same as the LOV name for the node.

    4. In the HTML Closed Bitmap field and the HTML Open Bitmap field, select the appropriate values.
    5. In the Label Field field, select a label for the node.
    6. In the Position field, enter the next available position for the node.
  8. Deliver your changes to the Siebel runtime repository.
  9. Unlock the objects.

Verifying the New Node

Complete the following procedure to verify the new node.

To verify the new node

  1. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, then the Global Accounts view.
  2. If necessary, deselect the Hide column for the new object.
  3. Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Global Accounts Hierarchy view to see the new tree node.
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