Siebel Applications Administration Guide > Calendar > Configuring the Calendar >

Move Records from Other Applets into the Calendar

A list applet in the Calendar view can be configured so that one or more records can be relocated from the list applet onto the calendar applet.

Relocation Action Behavior

The behavior of the relocation action is configurable. Table 67 shows an example of this behavior.

Table 67. Example of Configurable Relocation Behavior
In the...

Pharma application

A record from the Activities list to the daily calendar applet updates the Planned Start date for the activity according to where it is dropped on the calendar.

Consumer Sector application

Records from the Activities list to the calendar applet creates a new record of type In Store Visit for the account, and associates appropriate activity records to the new In Store Visit record.

If multiple records are relocated, then the account for the new record is based on the account of the last record in the relocated group.

Relocation User Properties

  • Table 68 shows the user properties set on the list applet that determine the relocation behavior.
Table 68. Applet User Property for Calendar Relocation
Applet User Property

Enable Drag And Drop

Set this user property to Y or N. The default is N.

Calendar Default Action

Set this user property to:

  • NewRecord to create a new calendar activity record when a record is relocated from the list applet to the calendar applet. (This behavior is also the default behavior, unless the Calendar Drag Method user property is set.)
  • UpdateTime to change the time field in the source record according where the record is dropped in the calendar applet. (No new record is created.) This behavior is seen in the Pharma application.

Calendar UpdateTime Field

If Calendar Default Action is UpdateTime, then set this user property to the time field in the source applet that you want to have updated by the relocation action.

For example, in the Pharma application (Pharma Calendar Activity List Applet), this user property is set to Planned.

Calendar Drag Field, Calendar Drag Field1,
Calendar Drag Field2,
Calendar Drag Field3 ...
Calendar Drag Fieldn

If Calendar Default Action is NewRecord, then set these user properties to copy data from the source record to the new calendar activity (target) record.

The format for these user properties follows: Source_field_name,Target_field_name

For example, to copy content from a field named Summary in the source record to the Description field in the calendar activity record, the Calendar Drag Field is Summary,Description.

Calendar Drag Associate

If Calendar Default Action is NewRecord, then set this user property to Y if you want to have the source records associated with the new (target) record. The relocated records become child records of the new calendar activity record.

Calendar Drag Child Associate Field

If Calendar Drag Associate is Y, then set this user property to the name of the field in the source records that is to associate them with the new calendar activity record. The field specified gets populated with the row ID of the new calendar activity record.

Calendar Drag Method

If the default calendar action does not meet your needs, then set this user property to your own method name to control the relocation action.

If this user property is set, then the preceding user properties are ignored.

For example, in the Consumer Sector application, this user property is set to the Drag And Drop Handler method.

Calendar Drag BusComp

If a method is supplied in the Calendar Drag Method user property, then set this user property to the name of the business component on which you want to invoke the method. If this user property is not specified, then the method is invoked on the current business component.

For example, in the Consumer Sector application, this user property is set to the In Store Visit business component.

Calendar Drag BusObj

If a business component is supplied in the Calendar Drag BusComp user property, then set this user property to the name of the business object to use when retrieving the Calendar Drag BusComp business component.

If this user property is not specified, then the current business object is used. However, it is better to specify a value for this business object, even if it is the same as the current business object. This setting makes sure that instantiating the Calendar Drag BusComp business component does not affect other business components within the current view.

For example, in the Consumer Sector application, this user property is set to the In Store Visit business object.

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