Siebel Applications Administration Guide > D&B Integration >

Configuring D&B Integration

Table 74 provides general guidance about configuration.

Table 74. Configuration Guidelines
If You Must Customize the...

Single task server processes for D&B Update Manager (D&B) or D&B Update Manager (Siebel)

  • Edit the dnbmaps.sql file in the ...\siebelserver\SQLTEMPL directory.

Multiple task server processes for D&B Update Manager (D&B) or D&B Update Manager (Siebel)

  • Edit the dnbmaps.tsq file in the ...\siebelserver\SQLTEMPL directory.

Account promotion

  • Configure the maps listed in Table 80.
  • Determine and make corresponding changes, if necessary, in the update server processes.

Specific configuration topics include:

TIP:   When debugging in your test environment, increase the event log level to 4 to see more details in the log file. However, it is strongly recommended that you set the level to 1 (the default) when you run in a production environment to prevent the log file from overflowing. For information about event logging, see Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide.

Update Server Process Configuration

The D&B update server processes use the Batch Real-Time Integration (RTI) technology and the RTI configuration files (dnbmaps.sql for single task and dnbmaps.tsq for multiple tasks). You can edit the RTI configuration files to suit your business requirements.

The general syntax of the RTI maps specified in the configuration files is as follows:

UPDATE_SOME_TABLE.MOD1TABLE = [Target Table to update]






The RTI configuration files are located in the ...\siebelserver\SQLTEMPL directory. For the default mapping for the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component, see Field Mapping for the D&B Update Manager Process.

Use caution when making changes to these RTI configuration files. It is recommended that you engage a qualified professional for your customization process.

CAUTION:  Do not change the default DELETE setting in the existing UPDATE* sections. Do not set DELETE to TRUE. If your business need necessitates deleting rows in the target table as part of the D&B Update Manager process, then you can request help by creating a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support.

Account Promotion and Prospect List Creation Configuration

You can select specific fields that are populated by the D&B promotion to a Siebel account or by the D&B list-creation process. These fields are controlled by maps in the business component user properties within the DNB Account and DNB Contact business components. These maps are listed in Table 80.

Using Siebel Tools, you can change, add, or delete source and destination field mapping. See the map descriptions in Table 80 to determine the map to use for a set of source and destination fields.

Use caution when making changes to these maps. It is recommended that you engage a qualified professional for your customization process.

CAUTION:  Although the delete capability is available, it is recommended that you deactivate unwanted map entries instead of deleting them. This approach is safer and can be accomplished by checking or clicking the deactivate column for the unwanted entry.

You can create an entry using the following syntax:


Value Column: [D&B SOURCE FIELD]

NOTE:  Each map works only with a specific Destination Business Component and a specific Source Business Component.

Running the D&B Update Manager (D&B) Process Without Updating or Deleting Existing Data

Depending on your business process, you might want to run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component without updating or deleting any existing data in the S_DNB_ORG table. You edit the RTI configuration file to perform this task.

To edit the RTI configuration file so that existing data in the S_DNB_ORG table is not updated or deleted

  1. Open the RTI configuration file (dnbmaps.sql for single task or dnbmaps.tsq for multiple task) in a text editor.
  2. Search for the UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT section under [Common] heading.
  3. Modify the section to look like the following:








    If you are using the default file, then only change UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1UPDATE from TRUE to FALSE.

  4. Save and close the file.

Running the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Process Without Updating Account Name

You might want to run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component without updating the existing account names. You edit the RTI configuration file to perform this task.

To edit the RTI configuration file so that account names are not updated

  1. Open the RTI configuration file (dnbmaps.sql for single task or dnbmaps.tsq for multiple task) in a text editor.
  2. Search for UPDATE_SIEBEL_ACCOUNT.MOD1SQL under the Oracle, Oracle 8, Microsoft SQL Server, or DB2 statements.
  3. Search for dnb.BUSINESS_NAME within the UPDATE_SIEBEL_ACCOUNT.MOD1SQL SELECT statement.
  4. Comment out the line that begins dnb.BUSINESS_NAME... as shown.


    SELECT acct.ROW_ID              ROW_ID,

    ;dnb.BUSINESS_NAME             NAME,

  5. Save and close the file.

Running the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Process Without Updating Account Location (Single Task)

You might want to run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component without updating the existing account locations. You edit the RTI configuration file to perform this task. Complete the following procedure to edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (single task).

To edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (single task)

  1. Open the dnbmaps.sql file in a text editor.
  2. Search for the UPDATE_SIEBEL = UPDATE_SIEBEL_ADDR_PHY... statement.

    This statement specifies the Siebel Table Groups to be updated when D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component is run.

  4. Save and close the file.

Running the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Process Without Updating Account Location (Multiple Task)

You might want to run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component without updating the existing account locations. You edit the RTI configuration file to perform this task. Complete the following procedure to edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (multiple task).

To edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (multiple task)

  1. Open the dnbtask.cfg file in a text editor.
  2. Under the [Siebel] section, comment out the line that begins Task5... as shown.


  3. Save and close the file.
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