Siebel Applications Administration Guide > Upload of UPT and UPT-IRM Intersect Data > Process of Uploading and Intersecting Data >

Uploading UPT and UPT-IRM Intersect Data

Use this procedure to upload the data.

To upload UPT and UPT-IRM Intersect data to a Siebel CRM database

  1. Create a folder on your local or remote machine, such as C:\UPT, to copy the database .jar and utility files.
  2. Download the database-specific .jar file to this location as per your database as follows:
    • Oracle: ojdbc6.jar
    • MSSQL: sqljdbc4-2.0.jar
    • DB2: db2jcc.jar

      NOTE:  You can obtain the .jar files from the respective database clients.

  3. Download your choice of data upload utility to the same folder.
    • To execute the data upload utility from command prompt, download UPTFileUpload.jar
    • To execute the data upload utility from the user interface, download UPTUtilities.jar

      NOTE:  You can obtain the .jar files from the SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/common folder. You can execute them where Siebel Server is installed or copy them to another environment where Java 8 is installed. Ensure your system has JRE 1.8 or above.

  4. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the utility.
    • To upload the UPT .csv files from the command prompt, enter as follows:

    java -jar UPTFileUpload.jar /s [Database Server] /f [CSV files folder path] /d [Database Type - Oracle, DB2UDB or MSSQL] /u [Database User] /p [Database Password] /h [Host Name] /o [Database Port] /r [Data Purpose] /t [Table Owner]

    For example:

    java -jar UPTFileUpload.jar /s dbixt1 /f c:/UPTFiles /d Oracle /u SMITH123 /p SMITH123 /h smith01ixt /o 1551 /r test /t SMITH123

    NOTE:  To learn more about the arguments for the data upload utility, invoke its Help. You can run the script multiple times but it will load only newly added files or the files where user corrected errors shown in earlier parse. Ensure that the table owner has the table create, read, and write access.

    • To upload from user interface, enter as follows at the command prompt to open the utility:

    java -jar UPTUtilities.jar

    NOTE:  Pass the parameters to the utility to enable upload of each .csv file.

  5. The utility processes each .csv file and records its filename in any of the following three files as per processing status:
    • ProcessedFiles.log: logs files processed successfully along with the row count per file.
    • UnProcessedFiles.log: logs files that did not upload along with their error description.
    • Fileupload.log: logs all steps in file execution, including technical issues, such as incorrect folder or connectivity to a database, along with error description.
  6. The processed files are stored in the folder created in the Note at Step 2.
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