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Siebel CRM Siebel Mobile Guide: Disconnected
Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Rev. A
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Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Logging

You use the Log button (the bug icon), shown in Figure 8-13, on the application banner to review the log event messages and debug information for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications, provided that logging has been enabled for the application.

Figure 8-13 Siebel Mobile: Log Button (Bug Icon)

Surrounding text describes Figure 8-13 .

The Log button is visible on the application banner only after logging has been enabled for the application. If you cannot see the Log button on the application banner, then logging has not been enabled for the application yet.

Information about the following is included in this topic:

Enabling Logging for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Users

You enable logging in Siebel CRM for each mobile application user role and assign users to that role. You configure Log Events for logging in to the mobile application. You must set Log Events for logging in the mobile application when in online mode - that is, when you are connected to the Siebel Server.

To enable logging for Siebel Mobile disconnected application users  

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools and add the following application user property and value for the Siebel Mobile disconnected application:

    Application User Property Value
    Client Business Service Web Engine UI Preferences

    Note :

    The Client Business Service user property is added by default for the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel pharma so it is not necessary to add it again. For all other mobile applications, this step is required.

  2. Enable logging in Siebel CRM for Siebel Mobile disconnected application users:

    1. Log in to the Siebel business application with administrative responsibility.

    2. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Responsibilities view.

    3. Query for and select the appropriate mobile application user role.

      For example, query for the following: PH Pharma Sales Rep - US Sales.

    4. In the Views applet, add the User Profile Logs View to the selected application user role.

    5. In the Users applet, add users to the selected application user role.

      Doing this enables the User Profile Logs View for each user that you add.

    6. Select Clear Cache in the Responsibilities view.

  3. Configure Log Events for logging in the Siebel Mobile disconnected application:

    1. Log in to the mobile application with the User Profile Logs View responsibility.

      If you have not been assigned the User Profile Logs View responsibility (as shown in the previous step), then you will not be able to view log information.

    2. Tap Settings (the photo icon) on the application banner, and then select the Settings option.

    3. Tap Behavior, and then set Log Events to one of the values described in the following table.

      Value Description
      Metadata Extraction This log event option logs the following:
      • Server error messages in the metadata extraction.

      • The errors in parsing metadata.

      Data Extraction - Basic This log event option logs the following:
      • Server errors in the data extraction for full and incremental synchronization downloads.

      • The number of records for each business component.

      • The errors in the caching data.

      Data Extraction - Detailed This log event option logs the following during full and incremental synchronization downloads:
      • The user keys extracted for each business component.

      UpSync This log event option logs the details of records to be uploaded and all records that are uploaded.
      Client System This log event option logs the following:
      • Errors when navigating to different views within the application.

      • Errors during create, update, and delete operations.

      • Debug information for the following:

      • Create, update, and delete operations.

      • Successful inserts to synchronization, business component, and intersection tables.

      • Successful business component updates, and so on.

      • SQL queries performed on the Web database and the number of records affected.

      All Logs event and debug information for all of the following log event options combined: Metadata Extraction, Data Extraction - Basic, Data Extraction - Detailed, UpSync, and Client System.

  4. Log out of the mobile application and then log back in again for the changes to take effect.

    Notice that after you log back in to the mobile application, the Log button (the bug icon) appears on the application banner.

Clearing Log Information for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications

Log information is stored locally in the browser cache. When local storage is full, the following message appears in the log console: Local storage is full. It is recommended that you clear log information on a regular basis to prevent the unnecessary usage of browser storage space. You must have a minimum of 50 megabytes (MB) of available storage on your mobile device at all times.

Before clearing the log information for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications, review the existing log information just in case you might want to save any of it. The following procedure assumes that logging has been enabled for the Siebel Mobile users as shown in "Enabling Logging for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Users".

To clear the log information for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications  

  1. Tap Log (the bug icon) on the application banner.

    The log console opens showing all recent log event messages and debug information.

  2. Tap clear to clear the log information.

    All log information is deleted from the browser local storage.

Uploading Siebel Mobile Log Information to Siebel Server

The following procedure shows you how to upload Siebel Mobile log information to Siebel Server. This procedure assumes that logging has been enabled for Siebel Mobile users as shown in "Enabling Logging for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Users".

To upload Siebel Mobile log information to Siebel Server  

  1. Tap Log (the bug icon) on the application banner.

    The log console opens showing all recent log event messages and debug information.

  2. Tap Upload Logs to upload all log information to Siebel Server.

  3. Siebel Server saves all log information that it receives in the <server location>/log folder:

    <server location>/log/<user_id>/DMLog_<nodeid>_<timestamp>.log


    • <user_id> indicates the ID of the logged in user.

    • <nodeid> indicates the client device. The node ID is generated when the user switches to offline mode. If the user does not switch to offline mode, then the log information is saved as follows: DMLog_No-Node-ID_<timestamp>.log.

    • <timestamp> indicates the date and time that the log was saved.

Saving Siebel Mobile Log Information

The following procedure shows you how to save Siebel Mobile log information. This procedure assumes that logging has been enabled for Siebel Mobile users as shown in "Enabling Logging for Siebel Mobile Disconnected Application Users".

To save Siebel Mobile log information  

  1. Tap Log (the bug icon) on the application banner.

    The log console opens showing all recent log event messages and debug information.

  2. Tap anywhere in the log console, tap Select All, and then tap Copy.

  3. Save the log information, for example, as follows:

    1. Open the Notes feature on your mobile device.

    2. Tap New to create a new note.

    3. Tap anywhere in the new note that opens, then tap Paste to paste the contents of the clipboard (that is, the log information that you copied in the previous step) into the note.

About Siebel Mobile Log API

The Siebel Mobile log function stores data locally in the browser cache. When the local browser storage is full, the log event messages and debug information for Siebel Mobile disconnected applications are no longer logged and the following error message appears in the console log:

Local storage is full.

Table 8-2 describes the Siebel Mobile log function in more detail. For information about troubleshooting Siebel Mobile disconnected application logging, see "Troubleshooting Siebel Mobile Disconnected Applications".

Table 8-2 Siebel Mobile Log Function

Item Description

Function Name


In Parameters

The Siebel Mobile log function takes the following in-parameters:

message: string,
params: string

Out Parameter

The Siebel Mobile log function takes the following out parameter:

Type: void


This function takes two values (message and params) which are formatted and stored in the local browser storage. An error message appears (Local storage is full) in the console log when the local browser storage is full. Siebel stops logging error messages after this error message appears.


SiebelApp.S_App.LogOfflineEvent('%1 - %2:= %3', 'class1', 'method1', 'data');
//This will be logged as: class1 - method1:= data