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Scenarios for Data that is Accessed, Exported or Replicated

This topic describes scenarios where a business process requires access to specific data in order to accomplish a process goal.

Export Customer Data to an External System

In this scenario, a change to contact information in the Siebel Database must be sent to an external mainframe system through IBM WebSphere MQ. Work you can perform in this situation can include:

  1. Define and configure the message that must be exchanged. In the Siebel Database, the Contact business object contains several business components, and each business component includes several fields. It is not desirable to send all of this information to the external system. You must choose only a subset of this information.
  2. Use Siebel Tools to define the integration object for the contact message you must exchange. Siebel Tools provides an Integration Object Builder that assists you to define an integration object.
  3. Define how the message is handled. The contact message must be sent to the external system by using EAI MQSeries Server Transport. You can use the Siebel Workflow Process Manager to model the message flow for this integration, and to send the message. The flow for an integration message is a sequence of business services that are connected.

Table 1 describes the requirements to export customer data from a Siebel application to an external system.

Table 1. Integration Requirements to Export Customer Data to an External System
Business Requirement
Technological Requirement
Siebel Solution

To access the Siebel Database

Use a business service to query the integration object.

EAI Siebel Adapter

To convert an internal Siebel message format into XML

Use Siebel conversion technology to convert the message to XML.

EAI XML Converter

To place the converted XML document in the destination queue

Use technology that is compatible with IBM MQSeries.

EAI MQSeries Server Transport

Access a Company Catalog through Replication

In this scenario, salespeople must be provided access to a product catalog while they are on the road. Therefore, you import the catalog information into a Siebel application so that Siebel Remote can handle the mobile replication. Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) imports this information.

Table 2 describes the requirements to provide access to a company catalog through replication.

Table 2. Integration Requirements to Access a Company Catalog through Replication
Business Requirement
Technological Requirement
Siebel Solution

To import the product catalog for the company

Use high volume batch replication.

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM)

Access Customer History Information Without Replication

In this scenario, a company is in the financial industry. Because a financial service institution is typically cautious when handling customer data, the company must provide access to data while replicating as few times as possible, if at all. However, the customer service agent must access the transaction history for your customer in order to provide the best service. This information is typically stored in Customer Information Files (CIF) on a mainframe computer.

The Siebel Virtual Business Component (VBC) can handle this business requirement. A VBC abstracts external data and presents it to a Siebel application as part of the Siebel data model. Siebel business logic and user interface components process a VBC in the same way that they process a standard business component.

Table 3 describes the requirements to integrate customer transaction history information into a Siebel application.

Table 3. Integration Requirements to Access Customer Data Without Replication
Business Requirement
Technological Requirement
Siebel Solution

To provide access to the Customer Information Files (CIF) that are stored on a mainframe computer, and display this information in the customer portal

Use access to non Siebel data without replication.

Siebel Virtual Business Component (VBC)

Access to Java Data

In this scenario, a customer service Web application is written with JavaServer Pages (JSP). To pass this data into a Siebel application so that the account record is updated, you call Siebel Java Data Beans in the Siebel Object Interface. This way, a customer service representative can use the information from the Web application JSP while serving the customer.

Table 4 describes the requirements to access Java data.

Table 4. Integration Requirements to Access Java Data
Business Requirement
Technological Requirement
Siebel Solution

To update Siebel account data from an application that uses JSP

Use a programmatic interaction.

Siebel J2EE Resource Adapter and Application Service

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