XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Scenarios for Siebel EAI XML Integration >

Scenario 1: Process of Inbound Integration Using Siebel XML

This topic gives an example of how to set up an inbound integration using XML. You might use the integration differently, depending on your business model.

To set up the inbound integration, perform the following tasks:

Creating the XML Schema

Use the Generate Schema wizard in Siebel Tools to create an XSD or a DTD for the incoming XML. For details on using the Siebel XSD Wizard, see XML Integration Objects and the XSD Wizard. For details on using the Siebel DTD Wizard, see XML Integration Objects and the DTD Wizard.

To create the XML schema: XSD, DTD, or XDR

  1. Launch Siebel Tools and navigate to the Integration Objects list.
  2. Select an integration object from the list.
  3. Click the Generate Schema button in the Integration Objects list.
  4. Complete the steps of the wizard:
    1. Select a business service from the Business Service drop-down list.
    2. Select the EAI Siebel Message Envelope Service from the Envelope drop-down list.
    3. Browse to a file location and type a file name to generate the schema—for example, ListOfSiebelOrder.xml—and click Save.
  5. Load the schema into the external system.

Creating the Workflow

Create a new workflow using the Workflow Process Designer. For details on Siebel Workflow, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

To create a new workflow

  1. Start a Siebel application and navigate to the Workflow Process Designer.
  2. Create a new workflow that will take the XML file, convert it to Siebel XML format (if necessary) using the Siebel EAI XML Converter business service, call the EAI Data Transformation Engine to perform the data transformation, and call the Siebel Adapter to modify the Siebel Database as needed (upsert, delete, query, and so on).

    NOTE:  The Siebel application uses an instance of the integration object you created to map the incoming XML data to fields (rows and columns) within the Siebel Database.

  3. Test your workflow using the Workflow Process Simulator.
  4. Save your workflow.

Running the Integration

In this scenario, assume that either an external application has generated Siebel XML that requires no translation or Siebel XML is XML that conforms to the Siebel XSD or DTD.

At run time, the Siebel application:

  • Calls the EAI XML Adapter.
  • Calls the EAI XML Converter to convert the incoming XML to a Siebel message.
  • Calls the EAI Siebel Adapter and updates the Siebel Database with the new information just received from the incoming (external) XML document.
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