Siebel Hospitality Guide > Capturing Hospitality Opportunities > Adding Details to an Event Opportunity >

Modifying the Opportunity Arrival Date

If necessary, you can change the arrival and departure date information for an event opportunity, or delete the arrival date. When you change the arrival date for an event opportunity, you can control how the dates of associated functions and room blocks change.

This task is a step in Adding Details to an Event Opportunity.

Changing the Opportunity Arrival Date

To change the arrival date for an event opportunity, follow this procedure.

To change the opportunity arrival date

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.
  2. In the Opportunities list, query for the opportunity whose arrival date you want to change.
  3. Proceed to one of the steps described in the following table.
    Go To...

    Automatically shift the dates of associated functions and room blocks by the same number of days as the opportunity arrival date

    Step 4

    Control how the dates of associated functions and room blocks are shifted when you shift the opportunity arrival date

    Step 5

  4. To shift function and room block dates the same as the opportunity, perform the following steps.
    1. In the Arrival Date field, select a new date.

      Siebel Hospitality shifts the dates for the associated functions and room blocks by the same number of days as the new arrival date you entered for the opportunity. The day estimates under the Macro Estimates view also change according to the change to the function dates.

      NOTE:  This default behavior can be changed through the business component user properties Shift Functions and Shift RoomBlocks.

    2. Go to Step 6.
  5. To control the function and room block date shifts, perform the following steps.
    1. Do one of the following.
      • Click Modify Arrival Date.
      • Click Menu and choose Modify Arrival Date.

        The Enter/Change Arrival Date dialog box appears.

    2. In the Enter/Change Arrival Date dialog box, complete the fields.

      Some fields are described in the table that follows.


      Arrival Date

      Enter a new arrival date for the opportunity.

      Shift Functions

      Indicates whether to shift function dates according to the change to the arrival date of the opportunity.

      • When selected (default), shifts the dates for the associated functions by the same number of days as the new arrival date you entered for the opportunity. The day estimates under the Macro Estimates view also change in this way.
      • When cleared, retains the original dates of associated functions. Changes the values in the Day Number fields of the functions to reflect the new relationship between the opportunity arrival date and the function dates.

        The Day Number field value is the day number in relation to the arrival date, where the arrival date is equal to a value of 1. For example, if you change the arrival date of an opportunity from June 4 to June 2, but retain June 4 as the date for associated functions and room blocks, the Day Number field values of the functions change from 1 to 3.

      Shift Room Blocks

      Indicates whether to shift room block dates according to the change to the arrival date of the opportunity.

      • When selected (default), shifts the dates of associated room blocks to the same date as the new arrival date for the opportunity.
      • When cleared, retains the original dates of associated room blocks. Changes the values in the Day Number fields of the room blocks to reflect the new relationship between the opportunity arrival date and the room block dates.

        The Day Number field value is the day number in relation to the arrival date, where the arrival date is equal to a value of 1. For example, if you change the arrival date of an opportunity from June 4 to June 2, but retain June 4 as the date for associated functions and room blocks, the Day Number field values of the room blocks change from 1 to 3.

    3. Click OK to confirm the date changes and close the dialog box.
  6. To verify the changes to functions and room blocks, perform the following steps.
    1. Click the link in the Opportunity Name field of the current opportunity.
    2. Click the Function Agenda view tab.
    3. In the functions list, check the values in the Day # and Date fields.
    4. Click the Room Blocks view tab.
    5. In the Room Block Line Items list, check the values in the Day # and Date fields.

      NOTE:  If subopportunities are associated with an opportunity whose arrival date is changed, the arrival dates of the subopportunities change by the same number of days. The dates of functions and sleeping rooms associated with the subopportunities also shift according to how you shift the dates of functions and sleeping rooms associated with the parent opportunity. However, this default behavior can be changed through the Shift SubOpportunities user property.

Deleting the Opportunity Arrival Date

To delete the arrival date for an opportunity, follow this procedure.

To delete the opportunity arrival date

  1. In the Opportunities list, query for an opportunity whose arrival date you want to remove.
  2. Delete the date in the Arrival Date field.

    The dates of the associated functions and room blocks are also deleted, but the relative day numbers stay the same. For example, the arrival date for an opportunity is 1/1/11 and an associated function day number is 3, which is 1/3/11. If you delete the arrival date from the opportunity record, the 1/3/11 date is deleted from the function record, but the function remains scheduled for day 3.

    The arrival dates of associated subopportunities, the dates of associated subopportunity functions, and the dates of associated subopportunity room blocks are not deleted.

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