Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Recording Product Analysis for Adverse Events and Complaints Management > Process of Product Analysis Following a Product Issue >

Submitting Product Analysis Records

Once the root cause has been recorded and corrective actions initiated, the product analysis is ready to be submitted for approval.

Here are some restrictions on submitting a product analysis record:

  • Only the primary owner of the product analysis record can submit it.
  • The owner of the product analysis must have a manager.
  • The product analysis must have a product issue associated with it.
  • The associated product analysis must have an owner.

NOTE:  These restrictions can be modified to meet your business needs. For information about configuring the submit workflow see About Configuring Product Analysis Approvals.

This task is a step in Process of Product Analysis Following a Product Issue.

To submit a product analysis

  1. Navigate to Repairs screen, then the Repair List view.
  2. In the Repair list, select a product analysis.
  3. Click Submit.

    This starts a workflow (LS Medical PA Submit) that sends requests for approval to the Inboxes of the designated approvers. For more information about the workflow, see About Configuring Product Analysis Approvals.

    NOTE:  If you submit a product analysis record in error, click the Withdraw button to unsubmit it. This starts the LS Medical PA Withdraw workflow. For more information about the workflow, see About Configuring Product Analysis Approvals.

  4. Verify that the product analysis was submitted to the correct approvers:
    1. Drill down on the product analysis record.
    2. Click the Approval History tab.

      The list should contain three records for:

      • The primary owner (This should already be approved)
      • The primary owner's manager
      • The product issue's primary owner
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