Siebel Life Sciences Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Life Sciences

About Siebel Life Sciences

About Siebel Clinical

About Siebel Medical

About Siebel Pharma

Product Modules and Options

Business Functions of Screen Tabs in Siebel Life Sciences

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Setting Up Siebel Medical

About Setting Up Siebel Medical

Enabling Siebel Server Component Groups for Siebel Medical

Activating Workflows for Siebel Medical

Configuring Web Services for Siebel Medical

Setting Up Siebel Medical for Integration with a Third-Party Safety System

Administrative Setup Tasks for Siebel Medical

About the My Team's Filter

Using Assignment Manager in Siebel Medical

Predefined Assignment Objects

Contact Assignments in Siebel Medical

Contact Denormalization Mode in Siebel Life Sciences

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Setting Up Siebel Pharma

About Setting Up Siebel Pharma

Configuring Pharma Properties in the Siebel Runtime Repository

Enabling Server Component Groups for Siebel Pharma

Activating Workflows for Siebel Pharma

Upgrading Workflows for Sample Transaction Management and Signature Capture in Siebel Open UI

Setting Navigation Options

Administrative Setup Tasks for Siebel Pharma

About the My Team's Filter

Using Assignment Manager in Siebel Pharma

Predefined Assignment Objects

Contact Assignments in Siebel Life Sciences

Contact Denormalization Mode in Siebel Life Sciences

Enforcing Siebel Life Sciences Activity Status Behavior in Other Siebel Applications

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Managing Contacts in Life Sciences

About Managing Contacts in Life Sciences

Scenario for Managing Contacts

Process of Managing Contacts

Setting Up Primary Specialties

Removing Contact Records

Administering Bricks

Creating a Contact

Specifying the Best Time to Call

Indicating Affiliations Between Contacts

Indicating Affiliations Between a Contact and an Account

Viewing Pre-Call Information

Tracking Documentation Associated with a Contact

Other Tasks for Managing Contacts

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Administering and Managing Accounts in Life Sciences

About Administering and Managing Accounts in Life Sciences

About Account Hierarchies

About Bricks

Scenario for Accounts

Process of Managing Accounts

Specifying a Competitor

Deleting an Account

Generating Account Hierarchies

Associating a Brick with an Account Address

Creating an Account

Specifying an Account Profile

Viewing Account Hierarchies in Roll-up Views

Creating Category Information for an Account

Indicating an Affiliation Between an Account and a Contact

Indicating Affiliations Between Accounts

Creating Subaccounts

Viewing Pre-Call Information

Viewing Departments and Contacts

Tracking Documentation Associated with Accounts

About Configuring the Generate Hierarchy Button

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Managing Products for Life Sciences

About Managing Products for Life Sciences

How Siebel Life Sciences Stores Product Information

Scenario for Managing Life Sciences Products

Process of Managing Products

Defining External Products

Defining Internal Products

Specifying Additional Product Information

Defining Price Lists

Managing Competitor Information

Defining Decision Issues

Adding Products to Catalogs

Viewing Product Information

Creating a Product Change Request

Capturing Product Hierarchies for Siebel Medical

Configuring Lot Numbers for Other Products

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Planning Calls

About Planning Calls

Tools for Planning Calls

Scenario 1: Users Create Target Lists

Scenario 2: Users Define Route Plans

Scenario 3: Users Create Activities

Process of Planning Calls

Creating and Applying Target Lists

About Defining a Route Plan

Creating a Route

Adding Accounts to a Route

Using a Route to Schedule Calls

About Creating Activities

Creating a General Activity

Creating a General and Specialized Activity in the Calendar

Setting Up a Meeting

Creating a Contact Call

Creating a Contact Call from the Activities Screen

Automatically Scheduling a Contact Call Using Auto Schedule

Manually Scheduling a Contact Call from the Contacts Screen

Scheduling a Contact Call in the Calendar

Creating an Account Call

Creating an Account Call From the Activities Screen

Automatically Scheduling an Account Call Using the Schedule Button

Manually Scheduling an Account Call in the Accounts View

Creating an Account Call Using the New Call Button

Scheduling an Account Call in the Calendar

Call Planning Features Specific to the Japanese Pharmaceutical Market

Managing the PMS and Pre-Explain PMS Features

Enabling a Product for PMS

Scheduling Calls for Pre-Explain PMS

Scheduling Calls for PMS

Viewing or Editing PMS Account Products

Viewing Upcoming Pre-Explain PMS and PMS Calls for All Accounts

Viewing All Missed Calls for Account Contacts

Viewing All Account and Contact Level Attachments for a PMS Call

Managing the PID Feature

Creating a Package Insert

Scheduling a Call for PID

Viewing All Upcoming PID Calls for All Accounts

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Completing Contact and Account Call Activities

About Contact and Account Call Activities

Transaction Processing for Call Activities

About Electronic Signature Capture

Scenario for Completing Call Activities

Process of Completing Call Activities

Recording Marketing Responses in Contact Calls

Recording and Submitting Contact Calls

Recording a Contact Call for a Different Contact at the Time of Signature Capture

Recording and Submitting Account Calls

Remaking Electronic Signatures

Configuring the New Call Button

Configuring the Submit Button

Configuring Signature Capture

About the Sign Button

Configuring the LS Pharma Call Signature Form Applet

Workflows for Sample Transaction Management and Signature Capture in Siebel Open UI

Configuring the Signature Applet in Siebel Open UI

Customizing Applets to Capture Signatures in Siebel Open UI

Rendering Signatures in the UI

Marking Package Insert Delivery and Post Market Surveillance Calls as Complete

Marking a PID Call as Complete

Marking a PMS Call as Complete

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Managing Pharma Samples

About Managing Pharma Samples

About Samples Transactions

Inventory Reconciliation

PDMA Compliance and Lot Numbers

Inventory Periods

How Siebel Samples Management Works with Calls

About Samples and Lot Numbers

Scenarios for Managing Samples

Scenario 1: Administrator Establishes a Master Inventory

Scenario 2: Administrator and End Users Establish a Master Inventory

Scenario 3: Users Transfer Samples to One Another

Managing Samples Transactions

Managing Pharma Samples

Prerequisites for Managing Samples

Defining Lot Numbers for Samples

Establishing an Initial Inventory

Managing Inventory Tracking and Reconciliation Without Lot Numbers

Allocating Samples

Creating a Samples Transfer

Monitoring Samples Activities

Adjusting a Past Samples Transaction

Checking Electronic Signatures

Managing Disclaimers

Creating a Samples Order

Acknowledging Full Receipt of a Samples Transfer

Acknowledging Partial Receipt of a Samples Transfer

Adjusting an Inventory Count

Recording Thefts and Losses

Reconciling an Inventory Period

Submitting a Location Audit Report

Submitting an Interim Count

Submitting a Closeout Count

Viewing Inventory Audit Report

Placing Sample Orders Request

Viewing Sample History

Viewing Sample History by Allocation

Setting Compliance Thresholds

Viewing Compliance Reports

Enabling Approval and Signature Processes

Viewing Orderable Items

Viewing My Product Focus

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Creating Smart Calls

About Creating Smart Calls

Scenario for Smart Calls

Administering Smart Calls

Creating Smart Calls (Administrator Task)

Entering Smart Call Information (Administrator Task)

Making Smart Call Templates Available To End Users

Creating a Smart Call (End-User Task)

Entering Smart Call Information (End-User Task)

About Applying a Smart Call Template to a Call

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Managing Managed Care Accounts

About Managed Care in Siebel Life Sciences

Scenario for Managed Care

Process of Using Siebel Managed Care

Entering Health Plan and Formulary Information

Associating Contact Information with Health Plans

Creating a Business Plan for a Managed Care Organization

Entering Formulary Information for Managed Care Business Plans

Performing Business and SWOT Analysis for a Managed-Care Business Plan

Associating Contacts and Accounts with Managed-Care Business Plans

Setting Objectives for the Managed-Care Business Plan

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Managing Account Contacts in Life Sciences

About Japanese Pharmaceutical Market Features

About Account Contacts

Configuring Workflows for Account Contacts

Activating Workflows for Account Contacts

Enabling Server Components for Account Contacts

Managing Account Contacts

Loading and Distributing Account Contacts Targeting Data

Creating a New Targeting Period

Creating Account Contacts Targeting Product Data

Generating Column Maps for Display of Product Attribute Fields

Activating New Account Contacts Targeting Data

Creating Account-Contact Target List Records Manually

Creating Account Contacts Call Detail Records

Planning Calls in the Call Planning Screens

Updating Calls in the Call Planning Screens

Selecting and Moving Activities on the Calendar

Deleting Calls in the Call Planning Screens

Displaying Calls Created by Other Representatives

Switching to Reporting Mode in the Account Contacts Call Planning Screen

Customizing the Call Planning Calendar

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Analyzing Syndicated Data

About Analyzing Syndicated Data

Scenario for Analysis

Process of Analysis

Defining Payer and Plan Information

Importing Syndicated Data Files

Analyzing Brick-Level Syndicated Data

Working with Sales, Rx, and Call Data

Views in the Analysis Screen

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Tracking Time Off Territory

About Tracking Time Off Territory

Scenario for Time Off Territory

Process of Tracking Time Off Territory

Creating a Time Off Territory Record

Submitting a Time Off Territory Record

Viewing Time Off Territory Charts

Configuring Time Off Territory

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Managing Pharma Medical Education Events

About Managing MedEd Events

MedEd Terminology

About MedEd Event Types

Scenario for MedEd Events

Process of Managing MedEd Events

Establishing Funds for MedEd Plans

Creating Master MedEd Plans

Creating a MedEd Activity Template

MedEd Lists of Values

Administering MedEd Literature

Designating MedEd Event Speakers

Setting Up a MedEd Plan

Setting Up MedEd Events

Tracking Costs of MedEd Activities

Setting Up Sessions Within a MedEd Event

Inviting and Registering Prospective MedEd Attendees

Generating Correspondence for MedEd Event Invitees

Scheduling Calls to an Invitee

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Setting and Achieving Objectives

About Setting and Achieving Objectives

Scenario for Objectives

Process of Setting Up Objectives

Creating an Objective

Creating Recommended Activities for an Objective

Targeting Accounts to an Objective

Loading Actual Amount Fields Using EIM

Reviewing Objectives

Charting Objectives

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Importing Data into Life Sciences

Scenario for Importing Data

Process of Importing Data

Importing Data with Siebel EIM

Stages of the Data Import Process

Recommended Import Order

Data and Related Interface Tables

Importing, Extracting, and Routing Syndicated Data

Loading Data into the Siebel Life Sciences Database

Using SQL*Loader to Load the Data

Alternative Method: Using Visual Basic and COM to Load the Data

About Summary Records

Extracting Data for Mobile Users

Creating a Data Extraction Rule

Associating Nodes with an Extract Rule

Specifying the Data to Route to Mobile Users

Setting the Environment

Performing a Data Extraction

Troubleshooting Syndicated Data Loading

Views Requiring Syndicated Data Import

Data Loading Matrix for Syndicated Data

Importing Syndicated Data Files

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Capturing Adverse Events and Complaints

About Adverse Events and Complaints Management

About Capturing Adverse Events and Complaints

Scenario for Capturing and Escalating Adverse Events and Complaints

Process of Capturing and Escalating Adverse Events and Complaints

Confirming Standard Setup for Service Requests

Setting Up Codes

Setting Up Lot Numbers for Medical Products

Capturing Adverse Events and Complaints as Service Requests

Escalating Adverse Events and Complaints as Product Issues

Adding Complaint-Specific Information to Product Issues

About Configuring Adverse Events and Complaints Capture

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Investigating Adverse Events and Complaints

About Investigating Adverse Events and Complaints

Scenario for Complaint Investigation

Process of Adverse Events and Complaints Investigation

Creating Product Issue Assessment Templates

Creating Product Issue Activity Templates

Reviewing and Editing the Product Issues

Creating Multiple Product Issues Related to One Service Request

Creating Product Issue Activity Plans

Assessing If a Product Issue Is Reportable

Completing Adverse Events and Complaints Reviews

About Configuring Create Related PI and Review Complete Buttons

LS Medical Product Issue Create Related PI Workflow

Changing Which Fields Are Copied to the New Product Issue

LS Medical Product Issue Review Complete Workflow

LS Medical User Verification Workflow

About the LS Medical Product Issue Service Business Service

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Recording Product Analysis for Adverse Events and Complaints Management

About Recording Product Analysis for Adverse Events and Complaints Management

Scenario for Product Analysis Arising from a Complaint

Process of Product Analysis Following a Product Issue

Creating Product Analysis Activity Templates

Setting Up Codes for Product Analysis

Creating Product Analysis Records from a Product Issue

Filling in Product Analysis Records

Completing Product Analysis and Creating Corrective and Preventive Actions

Submitting Product Analysis Records

Approving or Rejecting Product Analysis Records

About Configuring Product Analysis Approvals

LS Medical PA Submit Workflow

LS Medical PA Withdraw Workflow

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Managing Corrective and Preventative Actions

About Managing Corrective and Preventative Actions

Scenario for Managing Corrective and Preventive Actions

Process of Managing Corrective and Preventive Actions

Creating Corrective Action Activity Templates

Setting Up Codes for Corrective and Preventive Actions

Creating a CAPA Record

Managing Corrective and Preventive Actions

Tracking Approvals and Other Changes to Corrective and Preventive Actions

About Configuring CAPA Approvals

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Regulatory Reporting

About Regulatory Reporting

About Regulatory Reports

Scenario for Regulatory Reporting

Process of Regulatory Reporting

Setting Up Report Numbers

Creating and Populating New Regulatory Reports

Entering and Reviewing Data for 3500A Reports

Entering and Reviewing Data for MDV Reports

Running 3500A and MDV Reports

Which Sections of the MedWatch 3500A Form Are Filled In?

Generating Regulatory Report Numbers and Submitting Reports

Transmitting Electronic Medical Device Reporting Immediately

Managing Batch Electronic Medical Device Reporting

Reopening a Regulatory Report

Creating Supplemental or Follow-Up Regulatory Reports

Field Mapping for the MedWatch Report

Field Mapping for the MDV Report

About Configuring Buttons in Regulatory Reports

LS Medical Product Issue Populate Report Workflow

LS Medical Product Issue RR Submit Workflow

LS Medical Product Issue RR Reopen Workflow

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Communicating with Customers for Adverse Events and Complaints Management

About Communicating with Customers for Adverse Events and Complaints Management

Scenario for Customer Communication

Process of Customer Communication for Adverse Events and Complaints Management

Setting Up Proposals, Correspondence, and Presentations

Communicating about Product Issues Using Proposals

Communicating about Product Issues Using Correspondence

Communicating about Product Issues Using Presentations

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Closing Adverse Events and Complaints

About Closing Adverse Events and Complaints

Scenario for Closing Adverse Events and Complaints

Process of Closure for Adverse Events and Complaints Management

Closing Product Issues

Reopening Product Issues

Reviewing Approvals for Product Issues

Reviewing Lockdown Fields

Reviewing Changes Made to Fields

About Configuring Close and Reopen Buttons for Product Issues

Close Complaint Workflow

Reopen Complaint Workflow

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Using Personalized Content Delivery

About Personalized Content Delivery

Defining System Preferences for Personalized Content Delivery

Managing Content for Personalized Content Delivery

Personalized Content Delivery Support for Content File Formats

Loading Content for Personalized Content Delivery Usage

Associating Attributes with Personalized Content Delivery Records

Adding Component Files to Personalized Content Delivery Content

Providing Access to Personalized Content Delivery Content

Working with Messaging Plans

Creating Messaging Plans

Updating Messaging Plans

Defining Access to, Releasing, and Revising Messaging Plans

Associating Help With Messaging Plans

Associating a Messaging Plan with an Objective

Associating a Messaging Plan with Contact Call Offers

Personalizing Messaging Plans

Accessing and Delivering Messaging Plans Using the PCD Viewer

Showing Presentations Using the PCD Viewer

Recording Responses to Presentations

Decompressing PCD Content

PCD Viewer APIs

Using Signature Control for Personalized Content Delivery

About Loading Signature Control

Configuring Signature Control Modes

Signature Capable Messages

Capturing a Signature

Modifying Contacts in the Signature Component

Deleting a Sample Row

Cancelling a Transaction

Viewing all Captured Signature Data

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Setting Up and Configuring Safety System Integration

Overview of Safety System Integration

Customizing Safety System Integration Web Services

Process of Setting Up Safety System Integration for Siebel Medical

Activating Workflows for Safety System Integration

Configuring Web Services for Safety System Integration

Enabling Siebel Server Component Groups for Safety System Integration

Creating the Directory Structure on the Siebel Server for Safety System Integration

Creating the Oracle WebLogic Full Client JAR for Safety System Integration

Creating the JNDI Properties File for Safety System Integration

Creating the JVM Subsystem for Safety System Integration

Configuring Java Message Service Parameters for Safety System Integration

Configuring Siebel Medical for Safety System Integration

Logging a Product Issue for Safety System Integration

Reviewing a Product Issue for Safety System Integration

Sending a Product Issue to the Safety System

Sending Product Issue Follow-Up Information to the Safety System

Verifying Case Acceptance by the Safety System

Verifying Case Rejection by the Safety System

Voiding a Product Issue in Siebel Medical

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Siebel Medical Developer's Reference

Siebel Medical Workflow Reference

Siebel Medical Web Services Reference

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Siebel Pharma Developer's Reference

Overview of User Properties for Siebel Pharma

Targeting Configuration

Enabling Inventory Reconciliation Without Lot Numbers

Editing the Labels of the LS Pharma HI Activity Calendar View Buttons

Configuring the EditMode User Property

Submitting Contact Details from Third-Party Applications

Invoking the Submit Functionality from Third-Party Applications

Configuring Account Contacts

Configuring Personalized Content Delivery

Setting the Server Uncompression Location and Other System Preferences

Availability of Messages in PCD Planner

Availability of Messaging Plans in the PCD Viewer

PCD Business Component Calculated Fields

About Recommended Messaging Plans

Optimize Detailing Plan Method

Identifying Recommended Messaging Plans

Scenario for Identifying Recommended Messaging Plans

Modifying a Tooltip in the PCD Viewer

User Properties of the PCD Applets

User Properties of LS PCD Business Service

API for Using Multi-file Content

API for Recording Section Data

Pharma Service User Properties

LS Pharma Validation Service User Properties

LS Pharma Validation Service CE User Properties

LS Pharma Call Utility Service User Properties

LS Pharma Smart Call Template User Properties

LS Pharma Sample Transaction Admin Service User Properties

LS Pharma Inventory Period Service User Properties

LS Pharma Inventory Administration Service User Properties

Siebel Pharma Business Component User Properties

CSSBCActivity Class Business Component User Properties

CSSBCPharmaCall Class Business Component User Properties

LS Pharma Audit Signature BC User Properties

LS Pharma Call Products Detailed Alloc VBC User Properties

LS Pharma Call Products Detailed VBC - CE User Properties

LS Pharma Call Promotional Items Dropped VBC - CE User Properties

LS Pharma Call Samples Dropped Alloc VBC User Properties

LS Pharma Call Samples Dropped VBC - CE User Properties

LS Pharma Call Samples Requested VBC - CE User Properties

LS Pharma Call Signature Audit BC User Properties

LS Pharma Contact Assessment Attribute - CE BC User Properties

LS Pharma Contact Assessment Template - CE BC User Properties

LS Pharma Disclaimer Rule Set BC User Properties

LS Pharma Inventory Audit Report BC User Properties

LS Pharma Inventory Period User Properties

LS Pharma Inventory Period Reconciliation BC User Properties

LS Pharma Location Audit Report BC User Properties

LS Pharma Promotional Items Dropped Alloc VBC User Properties

LS Pharma Samples Request BC User Properties

LS Pharma Samples Request VBC User Properties

LS Pharma Personal Inventory BC User Properties

LS Pharma Sample Received History Item BC User Properties

LS Pharma Sample Transaction History Item BC User Properties

LS Pharma Sample Transactions BC User Properties

LS Pharma Sample Transactions Attachment BC User Properties

LS Pharma Sample Transfer In Item BC User Properties

LS Pharma Samples Attachment BC User Properties

LS Pharma Sample Txn Signature BC User Properties

Pharma Account Call BC User Properties

Pharma Call Products Detailed - CE BC User Properties

Pharma Call Products Detailed - CE User Properties

Pharma Call Sample Dropped - CE User Properties

Pharma Call Samples Requested - CE User Properties

Pharma GA Call Products Detailed User Properties

Pharma Professional Call BC User Properties

Pharma Professional Call - CE BC User Properties

Pharma Promotional Items Dropped - CE User Properties

Action BC User Properties

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Configuring Data for Oracle Pharma Sales Analytics

Transactional Data Requirements

Configuring Product Hierarchies and Product Costs

Configuring Product Catalog and Category Hierarchies

Setting Up Sales Objectives

Entering Call Activity Data

Configuring Sales Territories for Pharma Sales Analytics

Creating Primary Sales Force Hierarchies

Creating Sales Territories

Creating Alternate Sales Force Hierarchies

Creating Target Lists Using Oracle Business Intelligence

About Target List Creator

Using Target List Creator with Siebel Pharma Applications in Connected Mode

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