Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Recording Product Analysis for Adverse Events and Complaints Management > Process of Product Analysis Following a Product Issue >

Creating Product Analysis Records from a Product Issue

The first task in analyzing a defective product is to create a product analysis record. The product analysis record captures information from the associated product issue and serves as a repository for all information associated with the product analysis.

Typically, the product analysis record is created by the quality manager who has access to the Product Issues screen. The quality manager can then assign the product analysis to a member of the analysis team who has access to the Repairs screen but not necessarily to the Product Issues screen.

The product analysis record is a repair record of type Product Issue Analysis. For information about the Repairs screen, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

This task is a step in Process of Product Analysis Following a Product Issue.

To create and assign the product analysis record

  1. Navigate to Product Issues screen, then the Product Issue List view.
  2. In the Product Issues list, drill down on a product issue.
  3. Click the Product Analysis tab.
  4. In the Repairs list, create a new product analysis record and complete the necessary fields.

    Account, Product, Asset number, Lot number, and Service Request number are copied from the product issue to the new product analysis record.

  5. In the Repairs list, drill down on the product analysis record (using the Repair # field link).
  6. Complete the Owners field.

    If Assignment Manager is set up, then you can assign an owner by clicking the cogwheel icon, and selecting Assign.

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