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Managing Inventory Tracking and Reconciliation Without Lot Numbers

Siebel Samples Management supports using lot numbers for samples creation, shipment, receipt, transfers, adjustment, ordering, and disbursement without using lot numbers for inventory and reconciliation.

To support this behavior, you must make three changes:

  • Set the value of two system preferences—Samples Lots Enabled and Lots for Disperse Only—to "True."
  • Check the Lot# Tracking flag in the Administration - Product screen.
  • Implement product visibility. For more information, see Retaining Sample Product Visibility.

When this behavior has been enabled, the Lot No. field is available but not required for samples creation, shipment, receipt, transfers, adjustment, ordering and call reporting. In addition, the Lot No. field is disabled in the Inventory Count and Reconciliation views.

Tracking and Reconciling Inventory Without Lot Numbers

The following procedure shows you how to track and reconcile the inventory (without lot numbers).

To track and reconcile inventory without lot numbers

  1. Set the Samples Lots Enabled system preference to TRUE.
  2. Set the Lots for Disperse Only system preference to TRUE.

    For general information about setting system preferences, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Creating and Submitting an Initial Count Adjustment

The following procedure shows you how to create and submit an initial count adjustment.

To create and submit initial count adjustments

  1. Navigate to the Samples screen, then the Transaction view.
  2. From the view drop-down list, select Inventory Adjustments.
  3. In the Inventory Adjustments list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Adjustment Reason

    Select Initial Count from the drop-down list.

    Inventory Period

    Selecting an Inventory Period automatically enters a validated date in the Transaction Date (Txn Date) field, making sure that the adjustment is entered into the appropriate inventory period.

    Transaction #

    The application automatically generates an unique identifier. You cannot change this value.

    Transaction Date

    It is recommended that you complete the Inventory Period field to auto-fill this field so that the adjustment is entered into the correct period.

    Transaction Status

    The application automatically changes this field value to Submitted when you submit the adjustment.

  4. In the Line Items list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Item #

    The application automatically generates this value. If you want to have the items appear in a particular order, edit this value in the Administration - Product screen.

    Item Status

    The application automatically changes this field value to Submitted when you submit the transaction.

    Lot Name

    The lot number for this sample.


    The amount of your initial inventory. This quantity should be the same as the value you entered in the Count field in the Inventory Count view. For more information, see To submit an initial count).


    The sample to be adjusted.

    Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 to enter a line item for each sample needing adjustment.

  5. Click Submit.

    The values in the Transaction Status field (in the Samples Adjustment form) and the Item Status fields (in the Line Items list) are changed to Submitted.

Reconciling the Initial Inventory Period

The following procedure shows you how to reconcile the initial inventory period.

To reconcile the initial inventory period

  1. Navigate to the Samples screen, then the Reconciliation view.

    The Reconciliation view contains the following applets.


    Inventory Periods (Unreconciled)

    Shows all inactive (past, unreconciled) inventory periods. An active period becomes inactive once you submit an inventory count for the period (as described in To submit an initial count).

    Inventory Count (Unreconciled)

    Shows the products in your inventory, their physical and electronic counts, and the difference between the two counts (if any). The Difference field must be zero for all products before you can reconcile the period.

    Samples History

    Shows samples transactions entered for the currently selected product in the Inventory Count list. If no transactions were entered for the selected product during the inactive inventory period, this list is empty.

  2. In the Inventory Count applet, verify that the Difference field shows zero for the products listed.

    If a product shows a value other than zero, you must make an adjustment to correct the difference. For more information, see Adjusting a Past Samples Transaction.

  3. In the Inventory Periods applet, click Reconcile.

    The lists in the view are cleared.

  4. Click the History tab.

    The Samples History view appears. In the Inventory Periods list, a check mark appears in the Reconciled field of the inactive period that you just reconciled.

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