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LS Pharma Validation Service User Properties

Table 53 lists the user properties that apply to LS Pharma Validation service.

Table 53. User Properties for LS Pharma Validation Service

Account BC


Shows the name of BC that represents Account entity, used by Validation engine to get Account Details. The default value is Account.

Account Call BC

Pharma Account Call

Shows the name of BC that represents Account Call entity, used by Validation engine to validate Account calls.

Account Contact Call BC

Pharma Professional Call

Shows the name of BC that represents Account Contact Call entity, used by Validation engine to validate Account calls.

Contact BC


Shows the name of BC that represents Contact entity, used by Validation engine to get Contact Details. The default value is Contact.

DEA Expiry Date Field

DEA Expr

Shows the name of the field that stores DEA number Expiry date.

DEA Number Field


Shows the name of the field that stores DEA number.

Employee BC


Shows the name of BC that represents Employee entity, used by Validation engine to get employee details. The default value is Employee.

Enable Auto Set Call Type


Turns on or off the auto-setting Call Type in Call BC, when Validation is done.

Enable Lot Cutoff Validation Sub Rule


Shows Lot # cutoff rule on current Call. The first part of the rule is Rule name used to get error message from Message Category. The second part of the rule turns on or off the rule, while the third part of the rule displays an error, warn, or ignore message.

Enable Lot Validation Sub Rule


Determines if dropped sample is not expired in current Call. The first part of the rule is Rule name used to get error message from Message Category. The second part of the rule turns on or off the rule, while the third part of the rule displays an error, warn, or ignore message.

Enable Max Samples Per Allocation Period Sub Rule


Validates Quantity Dropped in call Allocated to Sales Rep in active period. The first part of the rule is Rule name used to get error message from Message Category. The second part of the rule turns on or off the rule, while the third part of the rule displays an error, warn, or ignore message.

Enable Max Samples Per Call Sub Rule


Validates Quantity Dropped in call for Maximum per call in active period. The first part of the rule is Rule name used to get error message from Message Category. The second part of the rule turns on or off the rule, while the third part of the rule displays an error, warn, or ignore message.

Enable One Time Sampling Sub Rule


To allow one time sampling to Contact with InActive but Not expired license.

Enable Stop Sampling Sub Rule


The first part of the rule is Rule name used to get error message from Message Category. The second part of the rule turns on or off the rule, while the third part of the rule displays an error, warn, or ignore message.

License Expiry Date Field

License Expiry Date

The name of the field that stores License Expiry Date.

License Number Field

License Number

The name of the field that stores the License Number.

License Status Field

License Status

The name of the field that stores the License Status.

Log Level

1- Error,
2- Error and Warning
3 Error, warning and ignore/success

Indicates level while logging validation results.

Pharma Personal Samples BC

Pharma Personal Samples List

The name of BC for Sales Reps personal samples.

Products Detailed BC

Pharma Call Products Detailed

The name of BC for products detailed in Pharma call.

Professional Call BC

Pharma Professional Call

The name of BC for Contact call BC and Account contact call BC.

Promotional Items BC

Pharma Promotional Items Dropped

The name of BC for Promotional items dropped in Pharma call.

Required Fields To Submit: Account Call


The names of Fields separated with comma, required to submit Account Call.

Required Fields To Submit: Professional Call


The names of Fields separated with comma, required to submit Contact Call.

SRE PT Exception - DEA: Nurse Practitioner


For each professional exception, the State names where Profession types that can be sampled with DEA number (state names before pipe (|)), or with out DEA number (state names after pipe).

SRE PT Exception - License: Nurse Practitioner


For each professional exception, the State names where Profession types that can be sampled with License number (state names before pipe (|)) or with out License number (state names after pipe).

SRE Professional Types


The profession Types allowed to be sampled in all States with Valid License or DEA Number.

Samples Dropped BC

Pharma Call Sample Dropped

The name of BC for Samples dropped in Pharma call.

Valid License Status


Indicates valid status value of License Number.

Validate Lot# Field

Lot Expiry Date

The Name of Field for Lot Expiry date, that is to be verified in Lot expiry verification.

Validation Results BC

LS Pharma Call Validation Results

The name of BC for inserting call validation results.

Validation Rule 1


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • LICENSE EXPIRATION RULE - calls the License Expiry Rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsLicenseExpired - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 10


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • CONTACT SAMPLING RULE - calls the Contact to be Sampled rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsValidProfToSample - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 11

PRODUCT PRIORITY RULE, 6, AreProdDetailedValid, ERROR, 5

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • PRODUCT PRIORITY RULE - calls the Product Detail Priorities rule.
  • 6 - validate for Paper Signed or Electronic Signed calls at submit time.
  • AreProdDetailedValid - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 5 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 12

MUST DETAIL RULE, 6, AreProductsDetailed, ERROR, 5

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • MUST DETAIL RULE - calls the Must Detail rule.
  • 6 - validate for Paper Signed or Electronic Signed calls at submit time.
  • AreProductsDetailed - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 5 - rule is applicable to Contact and Account Calls.

Validation Rule 13

MUST DISBURSE RULE, 1, AreSamplesDropped, ERROR, 3

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • MUST DISBURSE RULE - calls the Must Disburse rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • AreSamplesDropped - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 14

REQUIRED FIELDS RULE, 6, ValidateReqFields, ERROR, 5

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • REQUIRED FIELDS RULE - calls the Required fields to submit rule.
  • 6 - validate for Paper Signed or Electronic Signed calls at submit time.
  • ValidateReqFields - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 5 - rule is applicable to Contact and Account Calls.

Validation Rule 15

CALL DATE RULE, 7, IsValidCallDate, ERROR, 7

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • CALL DATE RULE - calls the Call Date rule.
  • 7 - validate always.
  • IsValidCallDate - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 7 - rule is applicable to all Calls.

Validation Rule 16


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • REFERENCE NUMBER RULE - calls the Valid Reference Number rule.
  • 6 - validate for Paper Signed or Electronic Signed calls at submit time.
  • ValidateSampRefNum - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 17


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • SRE PROFESSIONAL RULE - calls the SRE Professional Type rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsValidSREProfType - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 18


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • SAMPLES REQUEST VALIDATION RULE - calls the Samples Requested Validation rule.
  • 7 - validate always.
  • AreSamplesRequestedValid - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 19

PROMOTIONAL ITEMS RULE, 7, ArePromoItemsDroppedValid, ERROR, 3

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • PROMOTIONAL ITEMS RULE - calls the Promotional Items dropped validation rule.
  • 7 - validate always.
  • ArePromoItemsDroppedValid - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 2

SUBMIT BY POSITION RULE, 7, IsValidPositionToSubmit, ERROR, 7

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • SUBMIT BY POSITION RULE - calls the position Validation Rule rule.
  • 7 - validate always.
  • IsValidPositionToSubmit - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 7 - rule is applicable to all Calls.

Validation Rule 3

LICENSE RULE,1,IsValidLicenseNumber, ERROR, 3

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • LICENSE RULE - calls the License Number rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsValidLicenseNumber - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 4

LICENSE STATUS RULE, 1, IsValidLicenseStatus, ERROR, 3

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • LICENSE STATUS RULE - calls the License Status rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsValidLicenseStatus - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 5


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • PROFESSIONAL PROFILE RULE - calls the Contact Profile rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsValidProfProfile - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 6


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • EMPLOYEE SAMPLING RULE - calls the Employee to Sample rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsValidEmpToSample - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 7

DEA RULE, 1, IsValidDEANumber, ERROR, 3

For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • DEA RULE - calls the DEA Number rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IIsValidDEANumber - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 8


For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • DEA EXPIRATION RULE - calls the DEA Expiry rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • IsDEAExpired - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validation Rule 9

SAMPLES VALIDATION RULE, 1, AreSamplesDroppedValid, ERROR, 3For more information, see Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service.

Values include:

  • SAMPLES VALIDATION RULE - calls the DEA Number rule.
  • 1 - validate during sign.
  • AreSamplesDroppedValid - method name to be invoked.
  • ERROR - default value displays an error, warn, or ignore message.
  • 3 - rule is applicable to Contact and Attendee Calls.

Validator Type

Pharma Call

Type of Validation done by Validation engine. Currently, only Pharma Call type supported.

Format for Validation Rule N User Property in LS Pharma Validation Service

Each Validation Rule can have a maximum of 5 components, where the rule name is mandatory. A description of each component in the Validation Rule follows:

  • Rule Name. Rule Names, which are mandatory, are defined in the List of Values. The LOV type is LS_VALIDATION_RULE_NAME.
  • Number indicating when to apply the rule. The number indicates when to process the rule, and depends on the Call Status as follows:
    • If the value is 1, then the rule is evaluated if the call is not signed (that is, for electronic signatures).
    • If the value is 2, then the rule is evaluated for Paper Signed calls upon call submit.
    • If the value is 4, then the rule is evaluated for Electronically Signed calls upon call submit.
    • If the value is 6, then the rule is evaluated for both Paper and Electronically Signed calls upon call submit.
    • If the value is 7, then the rule is evaluated whenever call validation is carried out.
  • Method Name. The name of the method that is called to validate the rule. Each rule that is supported by default has an associated method. If customers want to override the existing validation rule or create a new rule, then they can do so. If overriding the existing rule, then the method name must be changed to a different value. Customers can choose to leave the method name blank or they can enter a different value for the method name. If a new rule is created, then a new user property must be defined according to the rule format.
  • Type of failure message.The type of the message that must be logged when the validation rule fails. This can be an ERROR or a WARNING. If the validation is successful, then a message of type SUCCESS is logged. If the rule does not apply to the current call, then a message of type IGNORE is logged.
  • Type of Call. The type of the call to which the rule applies:
    • If the value is 1, then the rule applies to Contact Calls.
    • If the value is 2, then the rule applies to Attendee Calls.
    • If the value is 4, then the rule applies to Account Calls.
    • If the value is 3, then the rule applies to Contact and Attendee Calls.
    • If the value is 5, then the rule applies to Contact and Account Calls.
    • If the value is 6, then the rule applies to Attendee and Account Calls.
    • If the value is 7, then the rule applies to Contact, Attendee, and Account Calls.
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