Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Administering Siebel Marketing > Updating Marketing Connection Settings >

Setting Up the Marketing File System

To prevent problems with campaign loading, make sure that the Business Intelligence Presentation Server service and Siebel Server service are running on an admin account that has read and write access to the directories used by the Marketing File System. In Windows, these services default to running under the local system account, which cannot access the Marketing File System because it is not a recognized user across the network.

For segmentation and list generation, access to the Marketing File System is shared between Siebel Server and Business Intelligence Presentation Server. If Siebel Server and Business Intelligence Presentation Server are installed on a combination of UNIX and MS Windows operating systems (heterogeneous environment), then the Marketing File System must be configured for sharing in different environments.

Enable File Sharing in Mixed Environments

Siebel Marketing can be installed and operated in environments that use a combination of UNIX and Windows operating systems, but with some restrictions. The server components that use the Marketing File System must be on the same operating system. If they are not, then the difference in path name syntax prevents them from finding files. Business Intelligence Presentation Server must have visibility and write permissions to the Marketing File System. In a mixed (heterogeneous) environment, you might have to run a third-party application such as Samba to access the Marketing File System on different platforms.

Business Intelligence Presentation Server uses the MarketingFileSystem parameter to identify the location to which it writes out generated list files. This parameter on the Business Intelligence Presentation Server points to the same path as the Marketing File System parameter on the Marketing Component Group. However, the path syntax must correspond to the platform on which Business Intelligence Presentation Server is running.

For example, suppose you have the following configuration:

  • Siebel Server and the Marketing File System run on UNIX. The Marketing File System is located at /export/home/filesystem on Siebel Server (sdcn1125s031).
  • Business Intelligence Presentation Server is running on MS Windows.

You could export this file system path to be visible on MS Windows by running a third-party application such as Samba on the UNIX computer. In this example, the parameters would be set as shown in the following list:

  • The Marketing File System parameter on Siebel Server could be set to
  • The MarketingFileSystem configuration parameter on Business Intelligence Presentation Server must be set to \\server\export\home\filesystem.

The Communications and Workflow server components must run on the same operating system. If the Communications server component and the Workflow server component are not on the same operating system, you must change the Marketing File System server parameter for the Communications Outbound Manager server component. This allows the workflow process manager component to use the path syntax that corresponds to the operating system on which the Communication Outbound Manager is running.

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