Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Administering Siebel Marketing >

Enabling and Synchronizing Marketing Server Components

During Siebel Server installation and configuration, you must enable the server components required by Siebel Marketing. Check the status of Siebel Server component groups using the Component Groups view in the Administration - Server Configuration screen. The Component Groups view is a list of installed Siebel Enterprise Server component groups with their associated components, servers, and tasks. For more information about enabling component groups, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

Enabling Component Groups for Siebel Marketing

You must make sure component groups are enabled. The server assigned to the selected component group appears in the Servers view tab.

To enable component groups

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, and then the Component Groups view.
  2. In the Enterprise Servers list, select the appropriate server.
  3. In the Enterprise Component Groups list, verify the required component groups have been enabled by performing the following steps:
    1. Locate each of the required component groups using Table 1 as a guide.
    2. Identify optional server components you might need to enable from the following list:
      • Assignment Manager. Used for campaign member assignment.
      • Data Quality Manager. Identifies duplicate contacts, accounts, and prospects when importing lists.
    3. If the Enable State field does not contain the value Enabled, select the component group, click the menu button, and choose Enable Component Group.
Table 1. Component Groups and Components Required for Marketing
Group Name


  • Communications Outbound Manager
  • Communications Session Manager
  • Communications Configuration Manager

Communications Management. Delivers outbound mobile and fax offers for campaigns.

Enterprise Application Integration

EAI Object Manager

Transfers data between the Siebel database and other corporate data sources.


  • Marketing Obj Mgr
  • eMarketing Obj Mgr
  • eEvents Obj Mgr

Marketing Component Group. Supports the user interface and business objects for the Marketing application.

Marketing Server

  • List Import Service Manager

Used for Contact List Import Using PL/SQL


  • Siebel Connection Broker
  • Server Manager
  • Server Request Broker

Supports general server management.


  • Server Request Processor
  • File System Manager
  • Server Tables Cleanup

Supports management of auxiliary server components.


  • Workflow Process Manager
  • Workflow Process Batch Manager
  • Workflow Action Agent
  • Workflow Recovery Manager
  • Workflow Monitor Agent
  • Generate Triggers

Executes required marketing workflow processes.

Synchronizing Component Groups

After enabling server component groups, you must synchronize (enable) the server configuration.

To synchronize component groups

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, and then the Component Groups view.
  2. In the Enterprise Servers list, select the appropriate server.
  3. Click the Synchronize view tab and click Synchronize.

    You do not have to select any components in this view. The synchronization task can take a few minutes.

Stopping and Restarting Siebel Server

Siebel Server must be restarted each time synchronization occurs.

To restart Siebel Server process using Microsoft Windows

  1. In the Microsoft Windows Control Panel, click the Services icon to open the Services window.
  2. Locate Siebel Server and click Stop.
  3. Click Start.

For details on stopping and restarting the Siebel Server system service on UNIX, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

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