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About Actions for Responses to Product Offers

When you define user responses to product offers, you can also define actions for each response.

The actions create sales orders or quotes, which can be used to:

  • Create a new asset.
  • Modify an existing asset by doing one of the following:
    • Add, replace, or delete products and services for an asset
    • Update asset line item fields
    • Upgrade products and services for an asset
    • Edit or apply a promotion to products and services in the asset

You can also perform other actions by invoking a Siebel workflow process.

NOTE:  Actions that invoke workflows can be used for preorder tasks and postorder tasks, but they cannot be interspersed among actions that create orders. If an action invokes a workflow process, then create the workflow before you define responses. For more information about creating workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

You generally create actions that map to common order processes such as:

  • Modify order. Creates actions modifying an order, adding or deleting products, and providing manual discounts
  • Apply promotion. Creates actions that include bundled products with promotional pricing

For example, you have a product offer for customers who have pay-as-you-go text messaging that says: Get unlimited text messaging for $10 per month. For the response Accept, you create the following actions:

  • To specify the product, create actions that modify the asset Mobile Service so that it has the component product Unlimited Text Messaging.
  • To specify the pricing, create an action that updates the Discount Amount field of the component product Unlimited Text Messaging, so it has the value of 10.

This is one example of how product and pricing can be specified using the actions of product offers. Different product offers are specified in different ways.

The Product Administrator has the flexibility to set up offers that validate the customer's assets prior to applying the actions:

  • Actions to add a product that the customer already owns can be skipped.
  • Actions to remove a product that the customer does not own can be skipped.

The same product can be added and removed within a single offer. For example, an offer named Replace SIM could create an order that removes the customer's old SIM card and adds a new SIM card.

Some responses do not require actions. For example, if the user rejects the offer, then an action is not required usually. In that case, you do not have to define the actions for the Reject response.

You specify an action by selecting in both the Action Type field and the Action Code field. The selection in the Action Type field limits the available selections in the Action Code field. Depending on your selections in these two fields, you might have to specify a value in another field. For example:

  • If you select Modify as the Action Type and Update as the Action Code, then you must also make entries in the Field Name and Field Value fields. The action updates that field with that field value.
  • If you select Run Process as the Action and Workflow as the Action Code, then you must also select a workflow in the Service Name field. The action runs that workflow.

Table 3 shows the actions that can be performed by product offers, with the Action Type and Action Code of each. This table includes actions that you specify in the Action record, with no user input. You can also use named parameters to base some of these values on user input, rather than specifying them explicitly in the Action record. For more information, see Product Offers with Named Parameters.

Table 3. Actions Performed by Product Offers
Action Type
Action Code



Generates an order or quote to create a new asset.

Specify the product by selecting it in the Base Product field.


Modify a field or attribute value of a new asset. To do this requires two actions:

  • An action with the action type New and the action code Add to add the new asset
  • An action with the action type New and the action code Update to modify the new asset



Modifies an existing asset by adding a product or service.

Specify the product by selecting it in the Base Product field, and specify the product or service you are adding to it by selecting it in the Component Product field.


Modifies an existing asset by updating a product or service.

Specify the product by selecting it in the Base Product field. Specify the product or service you are updating by selecting it in the Component Product field. Specify how the product or service is being updated by entering values in the Field Name and Field Value fields, or in the Attribute Name and Attribute Value fields


Modifies an existing asset by deleting a product or service.

Specify the product by selecting it in the Base Product field. Specify the product or service you are deleting by selecting it in the Component Product field.


Modifies an existing asset by replacing a product or service that is an existing component with a new component under the same relationship.

Specify the product by selecting it in the Base Product field. Specify the product or service with which you are replacing an existing component of the asset by selecting it in the Component Product field.

The replace action deletes the item that was previously selected and adds the item that was specified in the actions. If there is no existing component, then it simply adds the new item.

NOTE:  The Replace action applies to relationships with a maximum cardinality of 1. If more than one item is selected in the asset, then the replace action randomly deletes one of the selected items.



Upgrades products and services for an existing asset.

Specify the Upgrade From product in the Base Product field, and specify the Upgrade To product in the Upgrade Product field.

Run Process


Runs a workflow.

Select the workflow in the Workflow Name field.

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