Siebel Approval Manager Guide > Configuring Siebel Approval Manager > Configuring SAM >

Deploying Workspaces

To deploy workspace file

  1. Find the workspace.war file from the SAM installed folder and rename it to workspacedelivery.war.
  2. Copy the workspacedelivery.war file to Tomcat Webapps folder. This deployment is done on the server where Siebel Tools is installed.

    NOTE:  If SAM is not setup in this server, then copy US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar from the bin folder in the SAM installed folder and place it in lib/security under your Java home.

  3. Change the content of <Siebel Tomcat home>\webapps\workspacedelivery\resources\properties\ to match the workspace database connection. Choose from the following properties based on your database type:

    Oracle DB


    jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server name>:<portnumber>/<instance name>


    jdbc.password=<encrypted password>


    DB2 UDB

    jdbc.url=jdbc:db2://<server name>:<portnumber>/<DB Alias>


    jdbc.password=<encrypted password>


    DB2 390

    jdbc.url=jdbc:db2://<server name>:<portnumber>/<DB Alias>

    jdbc.username=<database user>

    jdbc.password=<encrypted password>



    jdbc.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<server name>\\<instance name>:<portnumber>;databaseName=<TBLO>


    jdbc.password=<encrypted password>


    jdbc.intBranchName=<workspace branch where you want to deliver your changes>

    jdbc.siebelUsername=<Siebel user name>

    jdbc.siebelPassword=<Encrypted Siebel password>

    jdbc.logPath=<Create a local folder for API to write log files to, like C:/workspace>

    jdbc.toolsPath=<Siebel Tools path, eg: C:/Siebel/>

    jdbc.siebelDSN=<Siebel DSN>

    NOTE:  Place a copy of your DB2 license jar file (db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar) to your Siebel Tomcat lib folder and bounce Tomcat server in case your Siebel DB is DB2 UDB or DB2 390 (z/OS).

  4. This step is optional. Use this for workspacedelivery REST API to call back SAM to record success and failure actions.

    jdbc.samURL=http://<Server name>:<portnumber>/sam

    jdbc.samUsername=<A user who has a role which has ownership to do success and failure actions for example delivery@<>

    jdbc.samPassword=<Encrypted SAM password>

    jdbc.samSuccessActionID=<Action Id for post successful delivery>

    jdbc.samFailureActionID=<Action Id for post failed delivery>

    NOTE:  To encrypt password, use the link http://<server name>:<port number>/emailapprover/encrypt/<password to encrypt>

  5. Restart Tomcat server and open the link http://<servername:portnumber>/workspacedelivery/ in any browser to see the welcome message, Welcome to Siebel Workspace Delivery Adaptor!!!

    NOTE:  Restart Tomcat server only after finalizing the configuration or making any changes during configuration and testing.

Testing workspace delivery REST API

You may use Postman or any similar utility to test the API functionality before configuring SAM. After bringing up Workspacedelivery application as mentioned in step 1 through 4 (You can leave the optional section for the testing), use the Postman to do a POST action on the URL http://<server name>:<port number>/workspacedelivery/workspace/. Provide the following raw JSON content after altering the value according to your workspace name and request id.





This would start a Siebel Tools instance and it would try to deliver the workspace. You will get a successful delivery message or a failure message accordingly. If you find any issues, check the, make corrections, and bounce Tomcat before you retest delivery.

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