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Configuring SAM

To setup workspace delivery

  1. Set up your workspace system in SAM. Refer to To set up an SCM third-party system.
  2. Configure messages. Add two new messages for the SCM system. Refer to Specifying Messages.
    • For the first message, create message Approval ID for Workspace delivery with text {APPROVAL_ID}.
    • For the second message, create message Source for Workspace delivery with text {source}.
  3. Add one new status for Pending Delivery and optionally two additional statuses for Delivery Completed and Delivery Failed. Refer to Defining the Approval Request Statuses.
  4. Open the Approval Profile screen and locate the profile that you want to configure workspace delivery.
    1. Add a workflow according to your process step, for example an approval for delivery.
    2. Add an action by clicking the Plus (+) sign under Action(s) header for the newly created workflow.
    3. In the Approval Profile Actions pop-up window, select Pending Delivery in the Result Status drop-down list. Configure other fields. Refer to Setting Up Approval Profile Actions in the SAM Workflow.
    4. Add update entries for Action(s) as following in the next part of the Approval Profile Actions to initiate the delivery.

      Create the following update entry to pass the approval ID to the workspace API:

      • Update Type: SCM
      • External System: The Workspace system you configured
      • Field: requestid
      • Value Type: Message
      • Value: Approval ID for Workspace delivery

        Create the following update entry to pass the workspace name to the workspace API:

      • Update Type: SCM
      • External System: The Workspace system you configured
      • Field: requestid
      • Value Type: Message
      • Value: Source for Workspace delivery
  5. This is an optional step for receiving a post-delivery action in SAM. You can add a success action and failure action to flip a success and failure status in SAM request. These actions can be additionally configured to record a message or flip a status on the Issue Tracker.

    To receive a delivery status update, add a new workflow with Starting Status as Pending Delivery and two Action Result Status as Delivery Successful and Delivery Failed.

    The Action IDs of the configured status Approval Profile Actions must be used when configuring the workspace REST API. For more information, refer to Step 4.

    NOTE:  Make sure you have a SAM user and role defined for the user who has the action ownership. Refer to Adding User Roles and Assigning Users to User Roles. This user must also be configured in as value for jdbc.samUsername. In this example user is and role is Delivery Agent. Refer to Step 4.

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