Siebel Server Sync Guide > Customizing Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server >

Changing PIM Domain Configuration

The following procedure describes how to change a PIM domain configuration, as part of customizing SSSE. This task must be performed if you want to enable synchronization for a PIM field that SSSE does not currently synchronize.

This task is a step in Process of Customizing SSSE.

This procedure involves Field Type settings for both Siebel and PIM domains. The following constraints exist:

  • Synchronization requires mapping between Siebel fields and PIM fields.
  • Mapping is only possible between fields that are listed in the Siebel Domain Fields list and the PIM Domain Fields list.
  • For each field to be synchronized, the Field Type value for the Siebel Domain Field must match the Field Type value for the corresponding PIM Domain Field.

For more information about SSSE Siebel domain configuration, see Changing Siebel Domain Configurations. For an example of how to perform this task for a new field to be synchronized, see Example of Changing PIM Domain Configurations.

To change a PIM domain configuration

  1. Navigate to the Administration - PIM Server Integration screen, then the PIM Domains view.
  2. In the PIM Domains list, select the domain to reconfigure.
  3. In the PIM Domain Fields list, click New to create a record for the new PIM field, and complete the fields as shown in the following table.


    Specify a name of your choosing for SSSE to use to identify this PIM field in a later configuration step. Make a note of the name you choose.

    Field Identifier

    Specify a name of your choosing for SSSE to use to identify this PIM field internally.

    Field Type

    Select a value that describes the kind of data the PIM field holds, using non-technical terms that indicate the field's purpose, such as City or Last Name or Pager. Must match the Field Type value for the corresponding Siebel field. Available values are specified in the Siebel List of Values (LOV) PIMSI_FIELD_CLASS.

    Data Type

    Select a value that technically specifies the kind of data the PIM field holds, such as Boolean or Integer or Unicode String. Valid values depend on the PIM field you want to synchronize.

    NOTE:  The Siebel List of Values (LOV) PIMSI_FLD_DATA_TYPE lists all the values that you can specify for Data Type, but many of the values in the LOV are not valid for any individual PIM field.

  4. Navigate to the Administration - PIM Server Integration screen, then the Configuration view.
  5. In the PIM Server Integration Configuration list, select the domain to reconfigure, such as Exchange Calendar, Exchange Contact, or Exchange Task.
  6. In the Configuration Parameters list, click New and complete the fields as shown in Table 19 and Table 20.

    NOTE:  To fully specify a PIM field for synchronization, you might have to repeat this step several times, creating several records that specify the same value for Section but different values for Parameter and Value.

    Table 19. PIM Field Configuration Parameters and Values (General Information)


    Enter the value you specified for Name in Step 3.


    Enter the name of the Exchange API that provides access to the PIM field you want to synchronize. For more information, see Table 20.


    Enter the name or other value that the Parameter API uses to identify the PIM field you want to synchronize. For more information, see Table 20.

    Table 20. PIM Field Configuration Parameters and Values (Domain-Specific Information)
    PIM Domain

    Exchange Contact

    Exchange Task


    A MAPIPropertyName value is required for all Microsoft Exchange Contact or Exchange Task fields.

    • For MAPI named properties, specify the identifier of the MAPI property.
    • For MAPI non-named properties, specify the 8-digit hexadecimal identifier of the MAPI field.

    For more information about MAPI properties, see the MAPI documentation.


    A PropertySetGUID value is required for Microsoft Exchange Contact or Exchange Task fields that are MAPI named properties.

    Specify the Global Unique Identifier (GUID) of the property. If the named property is a custom field, then specify the GUID value for PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS or PS_MAPI. If the named property is not a custom field, then specify the existing GUID. For more information about property set GUIDs for MAPI named properties, consult the MAPI documentation.


    A SubNamespace value is required for Microsoft Exchange Contact or Exchange Task fields that are MAPI named properties. Valid values are Id and String.


    The Web service field name defined by Microsoft Exchange Web Services. For example, the field name of the job title field for contacts is:


    NOTE:  This parameter is required if you use a Web service Exchange Connector.

    Exchange Calendar


    If the field you are specifying can be defined using an existing WebDAV property name, then specify that name.

    SSSE uses WebDAV for most calendar information that travels from the Siebel database to Microsoft Exchange (outbound data). For information regarding WebDAV properties, see your Microsoft Exchange SDK documentation.


    If the field you are specifying can be defined using an existing Internet Calendaring (iCal) property name, then specify that name.

    SSSE uses iCal for most calendar information that travels from Microsoft Exchange to the Siebel database (inbound data). For information regarding iCal properties, consult RFC #2445.


    If the field you are specifying cannot be defined using an existing iCal property name for inbound data or an existing WebDav property name for outbound data, then specify a MAPIPropertyName value for a MAPI named property.

    SSSE uses MAPI to synchronize any Calendar fields that cannot be defined using existing iCal or WebDav properties. For more information about MAPI named properties, see your MAPI documentation.


    Specify a valid property namespace. For information regarding namespaces, see your Microsoft Exchange SDK documentation.


    A PropertySetGUID value is required for Microsoft Exchange Calendar fields that are MAPI named properties.

    Specify the Global Unique Identifier (GUID) of the property. If the named property is a custom field, specify the GUID value for PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS or PS_MAPI. If the named property is not a custom field, then specify the existing GUID. For more information about property set GUIDs for MAPI named properties, see the MAPI documentation.

    Exchange Calendar


    A SubNamespace value is required for Microsoft Exchange Calendar fields that are MAPI named properties. Specify the value String.


    The Web service field name defined by Microsoft Exchange Web Services.

    NOTE:  This parameter is required if you use a Web service Exchange Connector.

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