Siebel Self Service Administration Guide > Using Siebel Public Sector Self Service > Roadmap for Integrating Oracle Policy Automation With Siebel Public Sector Self Service >

Process of Integrating Oracle Policy Automation in Siebel

To integrate the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must complete the following tasks:

Configuring Oracle Policy Automation Interview Service URL in Siebel

To configure the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must configure an Oracle Policy Automation Interview Service URL.

To configure an Oracle Policy Automation Interview Service URL

  1. To create a symbolic URL, complete the following steps:
    1. In Siebel Public Sector, navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List view.
    2. Select Symbolic URL Administration in the visibility filter.
    3. Create a new record, and complete the Name and URL fields as follows:
      • Name. Symbolic URL name, for example, OPA Interview Service Host URL.
      • URL. The OPA Web Service URL, for example, http://<hostname>/<domain name>/determinations-server/interview/soap/12.2/

Creating SSO Name Using the Interview Service URL

To configure the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) with Siebel Public Sector Self Service, you must create a SSO name using the Interview Service URL.

To create a SSO name using the Interview Service URL

  1. In Siebel Public Sector, navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the SSO Systems Admin List view.
  2. Create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


System Name

Type the system name (for example, OPA_INT).

Symbolic URL Name

Select the symbolic URL that you create in Step 1.

Configuring Parameters for Interview Sessions

In Siebel Public Sector, you can navigate to the OPA Integration Mapping View of the Administration - Integration screen to configure parameters that control the behavior and appearance of the user interface for interview sessions. These parameters also control security features of interview sessions.

Table 10 describes the parameters you can use to configure interview sessions.

Table 10. Parameters for Configuring Interview Sessions
Default Value

Close Button LIC


Designates the language independent code used to translate the Close button.



Designates a custom button ID in the HTML template. An interview session can have multiple custom buttons.



Designates the method to invoke when a citizen clicks a custom button, such as Go to View.



Designates the language independent code used to translate the custom button.



Designates the default visual mode for the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) layout.



Designates whether the OPA layout can be rendered in different visual modes, such as tile mode or grid mode.

Is Support Preseed


Designates whether the Siebel seed data is needed in OPA when starting an interview session.



Designates whether the Close button is required for an interview session. If this parameter is set to TRUE, then configure the Close Button LIC parameter.



Designates whether the Save button is required for an interview session. If this parameter is set to TRUE, then configure the Save Button LIC parameter.



Designates whether the Save operation is needed when submitting an application.

Preseed Search Spec


Designates the search specifications needed to get the Siebel data to seed the interview session.



Designates the rulebase deployment name.

NOTE:  This parameter is mandatory.

SSO System Name

OPA Interview Service

Designates the system name associated with the symbolic URL that specifies the OPA HUB URL. This value must match the name value used in Managing Applications on Siebel Public Sector Self Service, for example OPA Interview Service.

NOTE:  This parameter is mandatory.

Save Button LIC


Designates the language independent code used to translate the Save button.

Save Current Screen Data


Designates whether the Save operation saves the data in the current screen. By default, OPA saves the data on the previous screen and the screens before the previous screen, and not the data on the current screen.

Secure Connection


Designates whether the OPA connection is secure through an authenticated user.

Siebel Login Id


Designates the Siebel login ID that is mapped to the OPA user name and password in the SSO System Admin List view.


OPA Interview Service List Applet

Designates the name of the static applet in the Siebel repository.


OPA Interview Service Main Workflow

Designates the name of the workflow in the Siebel repository.

NOTE:  This parameter is mandatory.


Used for internalization.


Establishes a secure connection.


Passes user credentials in the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) header.

Configuring Parameters for Resuming Interviews

By default, if you start an interview in Siebel Public Sector, you can resume it and complete it at a later stage. However, you can modify the default configuration so that you can specify at which point of the application an interview can be resumed in Siebel Public Sector.

The OPA Interview Framework Service business includes the InvokeWorkflow method, which calls the OPA Interview Service Main workflow. This workflow enables you to resume the saved interview. For more information on the OPA Interview Framework Service business service, see OPA Interview Framework Service.

To configure parameters for resuming interviews

  1. Launch Siebel Tools.
  2. From the Object Explorer window, select Applet.

    The Applets window appears.

  3. From the Object Explorer pane, select Applet User Prop.
  4. Ensure that the following applet user property is configured:
    • Property Name. CanInvokeMethod: Resume
    • Property Value. [IsResumeAllowed]="TRUE"
  5. From the Object Explorer pane, select Business User Component Prop.
  6. Locate and select the Named Method business component property.

    Named Method has the following setting by default:

    "Resume", "INVOKESVC", business_component_name, "OPA Interview Framework Service", "InvokeWorkflow", "Action", "RestoreSession", "ApplicationRowID", row_ID, "IsStartWithFirstScreenAfterResume", TRUE_or_FALSE_expression, "MappingName", mapping_name_provided_for_OPA Mappings_interview

    The following table describes the parameters and values you can use for the Named Method business component property:



PUB Application

You must pass this business component name for CanInvokeMethod:Resume.


OPA Interview Framework Service

You must pass this business service name for CanInvokeMethod:Resume.



You must pass this business service method name for CanInvokeMethod:Resume.



This parameter determines which action is performed when you click the Resume button.



This is the row ID of the saved record and is a business component field.


"IIF ([Status] = LookupValue ('PUB_APP_STATUS', 'Saved'), 'FALSE', 'TRUE')"

This parameter determines whether the interview resumes from the first screen of the application or whether it resumes from the the screen on which it was saved. See Step 7.



The mapping name that is created for the rule base.

In this example, Pub Application is the sample business component in the default configuration, and Named Method is configured as follows:

"Resume", "INVOKESVC", "PUB Application", "OPA Interview Framework Service", "InvokeWorkflow", "Action", "RestoreSession", "ApplicationRowID", "[Id]", "IsStartWithFirstScreenAfterResume", "IIF ([Status] = LookupValue ('PUB_APP_STATUS', 'Saved'), 'FALSE', 'TRUE')", "MappingName", "ApplyForBenefitsMappings"

  1. To configure the IsStartWithFirstScreenAfterResume parameter so that the interview resumes from the first application screen, update the parameter value to the following:

    "IIF ([Status] = LookupValue ('PUB_APP_STATUS', 'FirstScreen'), 'FALSE', 'TRUE')"

Authenticating Web Service Communications with Oracle Policy Automation

In the preconfigured Siebel Public Sector Self Service application, Web service communications with Oracle Policy Automation are anonymous. User credentials are not required for such communications. You can complete the task in this topic so that user credentials are required for such communications.

Before you complete this task, you must secure the policy model that is deployed as a Web service. For more information about completing this task, see Oracle Policy Modeling User's Guide on Oracle Technology Network.

To authenticate Web service communications with Oracle Policy Automation

  1. In Siebel Public Sector, navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then, SSO Systems Admin List View.
  2. Locate the System Name described in Authenticating Web Service Communications with Oracle Policy Automation.
  3. In the SSO System Users list, create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.
  4. Some fields are described in the following table.

Siebel Login Name

Select the existing Siebel login name (for example SADMIN), or create a new Siebel login name.

Login Name

Type the login name for OPA.


Type the password for OPA.

  1. Change the following:
    • Secure Connection. Change to YES or TRUE.
    • SSO System Name. Change to the system name that you designate in Step 1 (for example, OPA Interview Service).
    • Siebel Login Id. Change to the login name that you designate in Step 1 (for example, SADMIN).

For implementations applicable to releases before Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5, these values are process properties in the OPA Integration Sub Workflow. For implementations applicable to release Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later, these values are parameters in the OPA Integration Mapping View of the Administration - Integration screen.

NOTE:  The Secure Connection field is valid only if OPA Hub where a rule base is deployed is secured with settings "Allow access to users only with the Web Service API role" enabled under "Change Web Service API Access Control" for Users in OPA HUB. If the value in the Secure Connection field is False, then the security settings for anonymous access, that is the Allow Anonymous Access field, must be set to true the OPA HUB. For more information about HUB security settings, see the OPA Policy Automation Document.

  • The Invoke WorkFlow method is used to invoke the application-specific driver workflow, for example, the OPA Interview Service Main Workflow. This method uses all the mapping parameters configured for the OPA Interview Service Main Workflow as described in Process of Integrating Oracle Policy Automation in Siebel.
    • For implementations applicable to releases before Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5, the Invoke Workflow method in the OPA Interface Service business service calls the OPA Integration Workflow. For information about other methods in this business service, see OPA Integration Workflow and OPA Integration Sub Workflow.
    • For implementations applicable to release Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later, the Invoke Workflow method in the OPA Interview Framework Service business service calls the OPA Interview Service Main Workflow. For more information about the methods in this business service, see Business Services for Oracle Policy Automation.
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