Siebel CTI Administration Guide > Configuring Events and Commands > Special Commands for Device Commands >

List of Special Commands

The special commands, which have names that start with the at sign (@), are described in Table 8. In this table, an asterisk (*) before a parameter name means that the parameter is optional for this command. Parameters for these special commands are described in Table 9.

Table 8. Special Commands
Command Name



Updates a work item's tracking object. This object is specified using the event logging feature and the AfterWork event log parameter.

NOTE:  In order for a command to be enabled that is based on the @Associate special command, all applicable event log definitions must include the AfterWork parameter.

AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}"

For more information about the AfterWork parameter, see Event Logs.

To associate the tracking object to an account record, for example, the associated command data definition includes parameters like these, to specify the business component and field:

BusComp = "Account"
Param."Account Id" = "{Id}"

Parameter names enclosed in single or double quotes, as shown for Param."Account Id", are interpreted as field names. Values for such a parameter (enclosed in quotes on the right) are interpreted as field values, for which macro-expansion is supported.

(The quotes enclosing the parameter values in this example are not part of the parameter values.)

The @Associate command always operates on the selected work item: the work item with the current focus, which an agent has selected from the Work Items list in the communications toolbar.

For more information about event logging, see Event Logs.





Causes the browser to display a window in which to display content.

The browser window content can be filled in as appropriate for a specified URL, based on what you specify for the PageURL parameter. Alternatively, it can display an applet.

For example, a command definition using @CreatePopupFrame as the device command might have an associated command data definition that provides a URL to be displayed in the window, for example:

Param.PageURL = ""

The URL can also be specified without the prefix http://, if the URL begins with www.

A third-party company integrating with Siebel applications can use this method to open a new browser window and connect to its own Siebel application interface for integration purposes.

In order to display an applet, the command data for a command using @CreatePopupFrame must include the following parameters:

Param.AppletMode = "mode_name"
SelectParam = "True"
SelectApplet = "applet_name"

where mode_name is either Edit or Base (use Edit for form applets and Base for list applets) and applet_name is the applet name in Siebel Tools. Base is the default value for AppletMode.

The browser window dimensions can be specified using the Dimension parameter. For example, the following parameter creates a window with dimensions 500 by 300 pixels:

Param.Dimension = "500x300"

If the Dimension parameter is not defined, then the dimensions are determined by the applet specified using SelectApplet, or by the browser.



Invokes a command on the Siebel Web Engine (SWE). The SWE command is specified using the SWECommand parameter.

For example, for the command SendFaxGroup, which uses @InvokeSWECommand as the device command, this command data parameter is defined:

Param.SWECommand = "Send Fax (SWE)"

All of the Send commands (Send Email, Send Fax, Send Wireless Message, and Send Page) are invoked using @InvokeSWECommand.



Navigates the Siebel application to the specified view.

In the command data definition, specify the view name as defined in Siebel Tools, for example:

Param.View = "Service Contact Detail View"



Updates a database record for the current business component. For example, if the current view is based on the Service Request business component, then you can change a status-related field for this business component.

In the command data definition, specify parameters based on what business component field to update and what values the field supports. For example:

BusComp = "Service Request"
Param.'Status' = "Pending"



Views a work-tracking object for a work item. Navigates to the view, such as a view in the Activities screen, where you can view the tracking object's record.

@ViewWorkObject can be invoked from a business service, but not directly from a script.

NOTE:  In order for a command to be enabled that is based on the @ViewWorkObject special command, all applicable event log definitions must include the AfterWork parameter.

AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}"

For more information about the AfterWork parameter, see Event Logs.

A command data parameter with the name Param.View must exist and must contain the name of the view in which to view the tracking object. For example, if the tracking object is Action (for activities), then this record can be found in the view specified as follows:

Param.View = "Activity Attachment View"

NOTE:  The view must be based on the same business component specified in the event log.

The @ViewWorkObject command always operates on the selected work item: the work item with the current focus, which an agent has selected from the Work Items list in the communications toolbar.

NOTE:  Work-item duration is updated for the work-tracking object (such as an activity record) when a work item is released. This update might conflict with changes made by the agent. Consequently, an agent viewing a work-tracking record must save any changes before releasing the work item. To make changes after releasing the work item, the record must first be refreshed.

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