Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Configuring Siebel Business Applications Server Modules > Configuring the Siebel Gateway and Security >

Configuring the Siebel Gateway

To configure the Siebel Gateway (which includes a Security profile), use the procedure that follows. This task is part of Configuring the Siebel Gateway and Security.

This task is required for new installations of the current release. It is not applicable for migration installations of Siebel Enterprise Server from a previous release, because the installation task migrates the prior configuration.

Related Topics

Running the Siebel Management Console

Configuring a Security Profile

To configure the Siebel Gateway (first time running Siebel Management Console)

  1. Run the Siebel Management Console, as described in Starting the Siebel Management Console. Log in using the basic authentication credentials that were provided during Siebel Application Interface installation.

    These credentials were specified in the Application Interface Authentication screen when you installed Siebel Application Interface, as described in Installing Siebel Business Applications in a New Installation.

  2. Identify the Siebel Gateway host name and HTTPS redirect port number, in the format SiebelGatewayHost:Port, then click Save.
  3. Create the security profile to configure access to the Siebel Gateway. Specify a name for the security profile.

    NOTE:  The security profile that is created on first login is named Gateway.

  4. Click the plus sign, specify the data source information for the security profile, and then click Save. For more information about these settings, see Table 5.
    1. Specify the type of authentication to use. For example, if you have already created the Siebel database, then you could optionally select Database Authentication.
    2. Specify the name of the security adapter, such as DBSecAdpt. This name corresponds to a named subsystem. For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.
    3. Specify the data source (for database authentication).
    4. Specify whether to propagate changes (for database authentication).
    5. Specify the authorization roles.
    6. Test the user and password that you want to use under the specified authentication system.

      NOTE:  After saving these changes, you are forcibly logged out of the Siebel Management Console, in order to activate the security adapter. Go to Running the Siebel Management Console and log in again using the credentials you just specified. Then configure the Siebel Gateway registry, as identified in the next step.

  5. Configure the Siebel Gateway registry, in which the configurations that you create in the Siebel Management Console will be stored, and then click Save:
    • Specify the Siebel Gateway registry port number.
    • Specify the user name that will access the registry.
    • Specify the password for this user.
    • Specify the primary language.
  6. After configuring the Siebel Gateway and security, perform the configuration tasks for your Siebel deployment, which include the following:
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