Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide > Fundamentals of Creating SmartScripts > Guidelines for Creating SmartScripts >

Creating Scripts

A script is the root element of a SmartScript. Scripts contain pages that contain questions. Questions contain question translations and answers. Branches between elements define the structure of the script within which the elements appear. You create scripts in the Administration - SmartScript view.

To create a script

  1. Navigate to Administration - SmartScript screen > Scripts view.
  2. Create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Enter a name for the script.


    Select the script type to limit the SmartScripts that display in particular applications. For example, the scripts that Self Service uses must be of type Instructions or Troubleshooting.

    First Page

    Select the first page to appear in the script. Alternatively, you can create a new first page from the Pick Page dialog box that appears.

    Save Session

    Select one of the following values:

    • Always

      The session record and answers are saved whether the script is completed normally or canceled.

    • Finished

      The session record and answers are saved only when the script is completed normally, and the agent clicks Finish. This is the default setting.

    • Finished/Timeout Save

      The session record and answers are saved when the script is completed normally and the agent clicks Finished or when the session times out.

    • Never

      The session record and answers for the script are never saved.

    NOTE:  Only answers to questions that are marked Save Answer Table are saved.

    Jumping Allowed

    Allows users to navigate in any order through the script using the SmartScript explorer or the Previous button.

    Business Component

    SmartScripts to be invoked from the Script button on the Account, Contact, or Opportunity screens must have this field set to one of those business components. When the Script button is selected, the SmartScript that has the BusComp value equal to the business component of the current applet invokes automatically.


    A description of the SmartScript. You can use this description to build indices of SmartScripts.

    Estimated duration

    Reference field for how long a script is expected to take to complete.

    Duration In

    Units for the estimated duration.


    Specify the organization whose members have access to the script.

    On Cancel Go to View

    View to go to when the Cancel button is selected.

    On Finish Go to View

    View to go to when the Finish button is selected.

    If you define views in the GotoView method for the Script_Finish event, make sure that the event logic accommodates the view that you designate in this field. For example, the Script_Finish event might facilitate navigation to different views based on different conditions. If none of the conditions exist, then the event can facilitate navigation to the view that you designate in this field. If a conflict exists between the view that you designate in this field and the view that the Script_Finish event designates, the view that you designate in this field is in effect.

  3. Create translations for the script title as described in Translating Scripts.
  4. Attach other pages to the script as described in Adding Pages and Branches to Scripts.
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