Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W



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Administration - SmartScript screens, about   1

Administration screens, about   1

administrator, viewing saved SmartScripts   1

answer data, about   1

answer script element, defined   1

Answer Type SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1


answer types and answer control choices (table)   1

business component, saving to   1

check boxes, about using for   1

creating (procedure)   1

detail applet, using for   1

drop-down lists, about using   1

drop-down lists, radio buttons, check boxes, using   1

GetInitialValue, returns value before script executed   1

GetPriorValue, returns previous answer   1

information text, about providing   1

pick applets, using for   1

radio buttons, about using for   1

save field, about setting up for multi-value field   1

save field, setting up for multi-value field   1

SaveFieldName, returns field that stores the answer   1

savings, about   1

Script Sessions table, saving to   1

SetCurrentValue, setting answer to question   1

SmartScript element, about   1

SmartScripts, displaying within   1

text box, about using   1

translating, qualifications for   1

translation, creating for an answer (procedure)   1


detail applets, about using for answers   1

pick applets, about using for answers   1

Application Deployment Manager

deploying SmartScripts   1

Assignment Manager

invoking from a SmartScript   1

automatically open SmartScripts, setting to   1

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Boolean answer type, list of answer control choices   1

branch, defined   1

branches, about SmartScript element   1

business component

answers, saving to a business component   1

GetSaveBusComp, returns business component that stores answer   1

SaveBusCompName, returns business component that stores the answer   1

business object

GetSaveBusObj, returns business object that stores the answer   1

SaveBusObjName, returns business object name that stores answer   1


radio buttons, about using for answers   1

radio buttons, using for answers   1

SmartScript buttons, about using   1

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Call Script Run Answers component, about using   1

Call Script Runs component, about using   1

campaigns ID

GetCampaignId, returns campaign identification string   1

SetCampaignId, setting   1

campaigns, setting campaign and contact ID (SetCampContactId)   1

check boxes

answers, about using for   1

answers, using for   1

contact ID

GetCampContactId, returns contact id string   1

SetCampContactId, setting campaign and contact ID   1

SetContactId, setting contact ID   1

Currency answer type, list of answer control choices   1

currency code

GetInitialCurrencyCode, returns code for question   1

GetPriorCurrenyCode, returns previous currency code   1

CurrencyFieldName SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

CurrentPage SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

CurrentQuestion SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Customer Dashboard

about   1

changing preconfigured Dashboard, list of tasks   1

configuration overview (diagram)   1

example scenario   1

Script_Open method, about using to update Dashboard   1

SmartScript Player applet object, accessing   1

upgrade overview   1

upgraded parameters, ensuring configured in Siebel Tools   1

upgrading (procedure)   1

customer screen, about and example   1

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Date answer type, list of answer control choices   1

Date-Time answer type, list of answer control choices   1

detail applet, using for answers   1

dock objects   1

drop-down lists

answers, about using for   1

answers, using for   1

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element, defined   1

employee application, viewing saved SmartScipts in   1

employees screen

about and example   1

Customer Dashboard, about   1

SmartScript buttons, about   1

SmartScript Explorer, about   1


exchange date

GetInitialValue, returns for currency question   1

GetPriorExchangeData, returns exchange date code   1

ExecutionState SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

exporting SmartScripts, procedure   1

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Finish SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

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Get QuestionText SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCampaignId SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCampContactId SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetContactId SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCurrentCurrencyCode SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCurrentExchangeDate SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCurrentValue SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetDashboardText method, about affecting Customer Dashboard   1

GetHelpText SmartScript method

pages, used with   1

question methods, used with   1

GetInitialCurrencyCode SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetInitialExchangeDate method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetInitialValue SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetLabelText SmartScript method

pages, used with   1

SmartScript Programs Administration view, used with   1

GetPage SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetParameter SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetPriorCurrencyCode SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetPriorExchangeDate SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetPriorValue SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetQuestion SmartScript method

pages, used with   1

SmartScript Programs Administration view, used with   1

GetQuestionEnable SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetSavBusComp SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetSaveBusObj SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetSessionId SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GIF image file, adding to SmartScript and example   1

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HasDefaultAnswer SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

header information, saving for each script   1

help text

GetHelpText method, returns help text for current page   1

GetHelpText method, returns help text for question   1


design template, modifying   1

images, adding and example   1

question text, formatting using HTML tags   1

SmartScripts, about applying and modifying HTML formatting   1

URLs, adding and example   1

user interface, about using HTML in   1


invoking SmartScript from   1

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images, adding using HTML and example   1

importing SmartScripts

about and process   1

conflicts, resolving   1

script, importing (procedure)   1

information text, using question as   1

Integer answer type, list of answer control choices   1

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JavaScript functions, and Siebel eScript functions   1

JPEG image file, adding to SmartScript and example   1

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MustAnswer SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

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Number answer type, list of answer control choices   1

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OriginalQuestionText SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

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GetPage, returning script page by name   1

Page method, returns current page   1

page branches, about SmartScript element   1

page breaks, about SmartScripts implicit rules   1

Page Designer

about and diagram   1

branches, viewing between pages   1

branches, viewing within a page   1

questions and branches, adding to pages   1

script, adding branches and pages to   1

script, adding branches to   1

shortcut menu   1

using   1

page script element, defined   1

page section, defined   1

Page SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1


See also SmartScript Page Methods

branches, viewing within a page   1

creating (procedure)   1

questions and branches, adding to pages   1

SmartScript element, about   1

translating page titles, creating   1

pages, methods used with

See also SmartScript Page Methods

GetHelpText, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetLabelText, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetQuestion, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script, syntax, returns, and usage   1

StartQuestion method, syntax, returns, and usage   1


GetParameter, retrieving value assigned to user parameter   1

SetUserParameter, assigns value to user parameter   1

performance of scripts, improving   1

pick applets, using for answers   1

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question control data, about   1

question control, about format in the Web template   1

question methods

See also SmartScript Question Methods

about using   1

Answer Type, syntax, returns, and usage   1

CurrencyFieldName, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCurrentCurrencyCode, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCurrentExchangeDate, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCurrentValue, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetHelpText, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetInitialCurrencyCode, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetInitialExchangeDate, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetInitialValue, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetPriorCurrencyCode, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetPriorExchangeData, syntax, return, and usage   1

GetPriorValue, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetQuestionEnable, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetQuestionText, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetSaveBusComp, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetSaveBusObj, syntax, returns, and usage   1

HasDefaultAnswer, syntax, returns, and usage   1

MustAnswer, syntax, returns, and usage   1

OriginalQuestionText, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Page, syntax. returns, and usage   1

SaveBusCompName, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SaveBusObjName, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SaveFieldName, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetCurrentValue, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetQuestionEnable, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetQuestionText, syntax, returns. and usage   1

SubstituteText   1

question procedures

See also SmartScript Question Methods

Question_Enter, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Question_Leave, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Question_PreBranch, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Question_PreLeave SmartScript question procedure, syntax, returns, and usage   1

question script element, defined   1

Question_Enter SmartScript question procedure, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Question_Leave SmartScript question procedure, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Question_PreBranch SmartScript question procedure, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Question_PreLeave SmartScript, syntax, returns, and usage   1


See also GetInitialCurrencyCode

creating (procedure)   1

GetInitialCurrencyCode, returns code for question   1

GetInitialExchangeDate, returns exchange date   1

GetPriorCurrencyCode, returns previous currency code   1

GetQuestion method, returns a question of the script by name   1

GetQuestion method, returns text of specified question   1

GetQuestionEnable, returns enable state for question   1

GetQuestionText, returns question text   1

HasDefaultAnswer, returns value about default answer   1

MustAnswer, returns value whether question is required   1

note, branching as part of script definition and not from pick applets   1

OriginalQuestionText, returns original question text   1

page, controlling questions displayed on a page   1

question events logic sequence, about and process flow diagram   1

question text, formatting using HTML tags   1

question's translation, creating   1

SetCurrentValue, setting answer to question   1

SetQuestionEnable, setting enable state   1

SetQuestionText, changes display of text   1

SmartScript 7.5, displaying in   1

SmartScript element, about and types of   1

StartQuestion, returns name of starting question   1

StartQuestion, returns text of specified question   1

Web template, about format in   1

Questions Administration view, about using to create questions   1

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radio buttons

answers, about using for   1

answers, using for   1

releasing scripts

about   1

releasing (procedure)   1

unreleasing (procedure)   1

Remote access   1

ResumeSmartScript, syntax   1

RunCallScript, about, syntax, and example   1

RunSmartSciript, about, syntax, and example   1

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Save Answer flag, about using with the Save Session parameter   1

save field

multi-value field, about setting up for   1

multi-value field, setting up for (procedure)   1

Save Session parameter, about using with the Save Answer flag   1

SaveBusCompName SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SaveBusObjName SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SaveFieldName SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1


administrator, viewing saved SmartScripts   1

business component, saving to   1

save field, about setting up for multi-value field   1

save field, setting up for multi-value field   1

Script sessions table, saving to   1

Script_Save, about using to save script   1

scripts, about saving in SmartScript   1

SmartScripts in an employee application, viewing   1

script branches, about SmartScript element   1

Script Designer

about and diagram   1

branches, viewing between pages   1

branches, viewing within a page   1

questions and branches, adding to pages   1

script, adding branches and pages to   1

script, adding branches to   1

shortcut menu   1

using   1

script elements, defined   1

Script method, syntax, returns, and usage   1 ,  2

Script Sessions table

defined   1

saving to   1

script, defined   1

Script_Cancel SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script_Open SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script_Prefinish SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script_Save SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

scripting terminology, table of   1


definition, creating   1

elements, about   1

header information, saving   1

pages, creating   1

question's translation, creating   1

questions, creating (procedure)   1

releasing (procedure)   1

releasing, about   1

translating a script title, creating   1

translating page titles, creating   1

unreleasing (procedure)   1

scripts, verifying

See also About the Verification Wizard

about   1


SmartScript script, converting to   1

session table, using GetSessionId to return table row ID   1

SetCampaignId SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetCampContactId SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetContactID SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetCurrentValue SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetDashboardText method, about affecting displayed values in Customer Dashboard   1

SetQuestionEnable SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetQuestionText SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetUserParameter SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Siebel 7 release

Customer Dashboard upgrade overview   1

Siebel 7.5 release

ScriptWizard, converting into a SmartScript 7.5 script   1

Siebel CTI, invoking SmartScripts from   1

Siebel eScript

performance of scripts, improving   1

pre-Siebel 7 releases, migrating from   1

ResumeSmartScript, syntax   1

RunCallScript, about, syntax, and example   1

RunSmartScript, about, syntax, and example   1

scripts, about invoking through   1

SmartScript elements, about using with   1

SmartScript object types   1

standard events used in SmartScript questions   1

standard events used in SmartScripts (table)   1

Siebel eScript sample methods

answer, dynamically inserting into question   1

branching, complex   1

contact, finding   1

Siebel Remote Manager   1

Siebel Self Service

invoking a SmartScript using a hyperlink   1

Siebel VB

See also Improving the Performance of SmartScripts

performance of scripts, improving   1

ResumeSmartScript, syntax   1

RunCallScript, about, syntax, and example   1

RunSmartScript, about, syntax, and example   1

scripts, about invoking through   1

SmartScript elements, about using with   1

SmartScript objects types   1

standard events used in SmartScript questions   1

standard events used in SmartScripts (table)   1

Siebel VB sample methods

See also Improving the Performance of SmartScripts

answer, dynamically inserting into question   1

branching, complex branching   1

contact, finding   1



See also GetLabelText

GetLabelText, translation of current script   1

invoking   1

invoking Assignment Manager   1

Mobile Web Client   1

object types   1

remote access   1

Script Wizard, converting into SmartScript script   1

startpage, returning name   1

StartQuestion, returns name of starting question   1

SmartScript buttons, about   1

SmartScript customer screen, about and example   1

SmartScript elements

about and hierarchy diagram   1

answers, about and types of   1

branches, about and types of   1

pages, about   1

questions, about and types of   1

scripts, about   1

SmartScript Employee's screen

about and example   1

Customer Dashboard, about   1

SmartScript buttons, about   1

SmartScript Explorer, about   1

SmartScript Explorer, about   1

SmartScript methods

Current Question, syntax, returns, and usage   1

CurrentPage, syntax, returns, and usage   1

ExecutionState, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Finish, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCampaignId, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetCampContactId, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetContactId, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetLabelText, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetPage, syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetQuestion, syntax. returns, and usage   1

GetSessionId, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script_Cancel, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script_PreFinish, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Script_Save, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetCampaignId, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetCampContactId, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetContactId, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SetUserParameter, syntax, returns, and usage   1

StartPage, syntax, returns, and usage   1

StartQuestion, syntax. returns, and usage   1

SubstituteText, syntax, returns, and usage   1

SmartScript object types   1

SmartScript Player applet

accessing (procedure)   1

custom view, about incorporating into   1

SmartScript screens

Administration - SmartScript screens, about   1

customer screen, about and example   1

employees screen, about and example   1

SmartScript tag definitions, list of and examples   1

SmartScript user view, invoking from   1

SmartScript view, modifying using Siebel Tools   1

SmartScript Web templates, SmartScript tag definitions, list of and examples   1


See also Displaying Answers Within a SmartScript

deploying with Application Deployment Manager   1

design tips   1

exporting script (procedure)   1

HTML, about working with   1

implicit page break rules, about   1

importing, about and procedure   1

importing, resolving conflicts while importing   1

SmartScripts, invoking

See also About the Verification Wizard

current running SmartScript, invoking from   1

open automatically, setting   1

ResumeSmartScript, syntax   1

RunCallScript, about, syntax, and example   1

RunSmartScript, about, syntax, and example   1

Siebel CTI, invoking from   1

Siebel VB or Siebel eScript, about   1

SmartScript user view, invoking from   1

SQL Anywhere Database, about import SmartScript into   1


StartPage SmartScript method, syntax, returns, and usage   1

StartQuestion SmartScript method

pages, used with   1

SmartScript Programs Administration view, used with   1


String answer type, list of answer control choices   1

SubstituteText SmartScript method

SmartScript Programs Administration view, used with   1

SmartScript Question Programs Administration view, used with   1

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template, modifying using HTML   1

text box, about using for answers   1

Time answer type, list of answer control choices   1


answer, creating for translation   1

answers, qualifications for translations   1

defined   1

GetLabelText, returns current page in current language   1

GetLabelText, translation of current script   1

page tiles, creating for   1

question's translation, creating for   1

script title, creating for   1

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unreleasing a script, procedure   1


Customer Dashboard overview   1


adding and example   1

user interface, customizing

design considerations   1

design template, using HTML to modify   1

HTML, about using in   1

images, adding and example   1

implicit page break rule, about   1

question text, formatting using HTML tags   1

questions, controlling displaying on a page   1

SmartScript view, modifying using Siebel Tools   1

URLs, adding and example   1

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VB, migrating from pre-Siebel 7 releases   1

Verify Wizard

about using to verify script   1


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Web templates, SmartScript tag definitions, list of and examples   1

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